Tag: Fatigue

Ode To A Redneck

Ode To A Redneck

    Comedian Jeff Foxworthy is one of my favorite stand-ups.  Not only is he a nice guy (I got to work with him for a week) but his stand-up slays an audience.  Absolutely leaves them rolling in the aisles!     Foxworthy is best known for his bit “You might Be A Redneck If.” …

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  I can’t explain it, but I am D.O.A.–Doug on arrival. My head, filled with what seems like bubble wrap. Pudding is livelier. I have creatively flatlined.  Demonstrated by my recent absence from this blog. Orphans get more attention. If & when I ever get another idea it will be like lighting a match in …

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Door Mats For MSers

Door Mats For MSers

  Knock! Knock! Knock! There is someone at the door.  But by the time you answer it, they are loooong gone. As one with multiple sclerosis, I know.  It happens every day. If only there was a way to let them know you need an extra moment to get the door. Well now there is …

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MS Haikus

MS Haikus

    The haiku (High-Koo) is a Japanese form of poetry. Only seventeen syllables total in three lines of five, seven and five syllables each.  (My kind of quick read.) Haikus are fun to compose so I thought I would come up with a few that pertain to life with multiple sclerosis. Hope you enjoy.  …

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MS Mug Shots

MS Mug Shots

  Personalized coffee mugs are everywhere. Who doesn’t have a coffee mug shoved in the back of the cabinet emblazoned with some photo, witty quote or the logo of a company that closed in 1979. I have a dozen and I don’t even drink coffee! That being said, multiple sclerosis needs a mug or two …

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Good Stuff In–Good Stuff Out

Good Stuff In–Good Stuff Out

  I may get somewhat preachy here–so beware.   Every single one of us looks for the magic pill…the infusion-palooza…the divine answer to slaying the MS monster.  We know a cure doesn’t exist yet we search anyway.  (No harm in looking, right?) Because MS has a mind all its own, best you can do is …

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Putting It Away

Putting It Away

  I swear it’s not being picky. Or anal. Or some form of OCD. I’m not being bossy. Or a neat-nick. Or particular. I swear it’s it’s it’s multiple sclerosis’ fault!  MS made me this way. Here’s how… Multiple sclerosis eats up our energy like a Ford F-350 guzzles gas.  Therefore we need to get things …

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Go With It

Go With It

    You can’t make a pie if you don’t have the filling. Okay, how does that relate to multiple sclerosis, you ask? It’s a fatigue issue really.  If you don’t have the energy inside, not much is getting done out. Fatigue hits me hardest on warmer days.  Feels like I have concrete in my …

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A Clean Slate

A Clean Slate

  A clean slate. A do-over. Fresh start. Another shot. Mulligan (I ask for many in golf). Whatever you call them, everyone gets’em–and they come in darn handy!   You can enjoy a clean slate at work, school, meetings, church, gym, at home, anywhere. A chance to regroup, collect your thoughts & pull up your …

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MS Horoscope

MS Horoscope

      Everyone knows a horoscope is used to forecast futures and a person’s character based on the position of stars & planets at the time of their birth. Yeah, whether or not that is true is a toss-up. Some believe.  Others don’t. But mostly horoscopes are enjoyed for entertainment with a dash of …

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