Tag: Fatigue

Sleep Pattern

Sleep Pattern

      Of all the silly, crazy things multiple sclerosis does to your body during the day, the fun doesn’t stop when the sun goes down. Heck no! With a shift change, the MS Night Crew clocks in & takes over for even more merry mischief.     While most MS-free folks are peacefully …

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    A lot of change has occurred in recent days. A change in seasons. The weather changed. Some changed their clocks. In sports, champions change. Ranking change.  Relationships change. Even last week we had a change in leaders.   And through all this change, one thing remains steadfast—we have our multiple sclerosis. MS hangs …

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Driving Me Nuts

Driving Me Nuts

  Having multiple sclerosis challenges so many aspects of your life. From the simpliest task to the most difficult situation, an MSer battles far greater adversity than just stepping over a high curb.   One thing we do is drive and/or ride in a motor vehicle. We think nothing of a 40 minute drive to …

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Sliders: the foot-drop perspective

Sliders: the foot-drop perspective

  “Take a step in my shoes” is an all-too familiar quote.  And when you have multiple sclerosis & MS related foot-drop in particular, “taking a step in my shoes” can be difficult–if not darn near impossible. That’s why with foot-drop, the proper shoes are a prerequisite. In most cases, every MSer has a favorite …

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A Matter of Inches

A Matter of Inches

    Life is a long, long journey. But when you have the ickies like multiple sclerosis, the teeny-tiniest part of the journey can be the most challenging. Not miles, meters or even feet. With MS & MS related foot-drop, the biggest hurdles in life can be measured in inches.  (Often even less than that!) …

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Not The Only One

Not The Only One

        I tend to forget.  A lot. I don’t put the entire blame on icky MS.  Just some of it. Most I owe to a lack of perspective. A lapse of judgement. A brain fart, if you will.     Because after living with multiple sclerosis for 19 years now, I have forgotten how …

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Sock It To Me

Sock It To Me

    Tend to think I can handle myself around a gym.   Heck, I’ve been working out since I was 16. And although MS has slowed me down a bit, I still manage to exercise five or six times a week in the privacy of my basement.   So when I’m out of town …

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Energy: How Much Is In Your Tank?

Energy: How Much Is In Your Tank?

    Those of us with multiple sclerosis are always concerned with our energy.   Do I have enough? How can I get more? Should I rest now? Will I need it later?     Despite the dozen or so symptoms/side effects of MS, lack of energy & fatigue are probably the most common (and …

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The Two-Hour Nap

The Two-Hour Nap

    I sat straight-up right.  Twisted my head to squint at the clock on the VCR. There I couldn’t believe my eyes.  No, it wasn’t the fact that we still owned a VCR…but that the clock said it was 11:24am. I had been asleep for TWO HOURS! I took a two-hour nap BEFORE 12 …

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What’s Going On Here?

What’s Going On Here?

                Time to answer the question on everyone’s mind….”What’s Going On Here?” My Odd Sock presents five different pictures along with several descriptions of what may be happening in each picture. Your task is to choose the summary that best describes “What’s Going On Here?”   Let’s get …

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