Author: Doug Ankerman

My New Diet

My New Diet

  It was time to make a change in my diet. For starters, no more blueberry donuts at breakfast.  No more unhealthy snacking throughout the day. I realized I haven’t been myself lately. I had no energy.  No enthusiasm. I was listless.  Plain lazy. I didn’t want to walk.  I didn’t want to play.  Even …

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Daddy’s Little Helper

Daddy’s Little Helper

  With multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms and leg tremors are a condition prerequisite…a not-so delightful appetizer before the main course, spasticity. Some people experience the involuntary movement in their arms.  But most (like me) have legs that quiver worse than a chihuahua. Such jumpiness happens at the most inopportune time as well.  Like when you’re …

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Brain Drain #29

Brain Drain #29

  It has been too long since I’ve written any dribble for this humor site…and even longer since I’ve posted a “Brain Drain.” For those of you who are unfamiliar, “Brain Drain” is simply a post where I pull the plug on my cerebral cortex and empty out what has been a bug in my …

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Rejected Pop Tart Flavors

Rejected Pop Tart Flavors

  Since the release of the movie “Unfrosted” (on Netflix), the world has been abuzz with chatter about Pop Tarts. For good reason too. Everyone knows about them.  Everyone has scalded the roof of their mouth on them.  And everyone has a favorite flav–mine being strawberry. But not all Pop Tart’s have been a hit.  …

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Sleeping Large

Sleeping Large

I’m sleeping large. No joke. And odds are, you’re sleeping large too. I’m talking mattresses.  Thick.  Fat.  Mattresses. Mattresses that look to be getting thicker.  Thickerer.  THICKEREREST.     Mattress manufacturers seem to think–the bigger, the better.  But I’m not so sure. Are we sleeping more soundly on a mattress that rivals the depth of …

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  Yeah, that’s right.  Your MS M.O. Your “modus operandi.”  Your plan. What are you doing to fight back against your hiccup of multiple sclerosis? But let’s not limit it to just MS. Whether it be arthritis, diabetes, heart disease or any of a malady of ailments–you can’t just stand there & do nothing. You …

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See-Thru Pants

See-Thru Pants

  As the Major League Baseball season begins, so has another controversy. The brew-ha-ha began when Nike, the official uniforn & footwear supplier to the MLB, unveiled a new uniform design.  This new line was performance-based; thinner, lighter-weight, allowing better air circulation.  And the change was much needed as players have been routinely grabbing and …

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Would You Rather

Would You Rather

  Life is about choices. And where you are in life absolutely dictates the choices you make.  That’s certainly true when you throw multiple sclerosis into the mix.  What you may have chosen early on could differ greatly from what you prefer at this time. To find out where you are, My Odd Sock has …

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Joke Dumpster Blog Post

Joke Dumpster Blog Post

  Yeah that’s right. It’s a Joke Dumpster Blog Post. A misfit collection of jokes & thoughts–some I have–and some I haven’t got around to posting elsewhere. Call it an early spring cleaning of my writing  journal. Enjoy!…   SENSEI SHOPPING Police in Washington state say a man wielding a samurai sword & threatening to …

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F & O

F & O

  It gets to ya.  Building, building, building.  More & more. Till you are at your wits end. F & O.  Frustrated and Overwhelmed. I’m there.  Often. And, as I age, that once comfortable ledge has become more & more narrow.   The strangest things get me F & O’d.  Opening a bag of chips.  …

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