Author: Doug Ankerman

Time Warp

Time Warp

  Whoa, we just celebrated the New Year but is this really 2024? Or did we somehow enter a time warp vortex and are back in the 1990’s…when ‘Seinfeld’ was the most watched TV show…the Yugo was the most joked about automobile…and Hooters was a popular, eye-popping restaurant? Today, ‘Seinfeld’ still hangs around in reruns.  …

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More Things

More Things

  I am sure you have seen this list of often heard gaffs…things not to say to someone with Multiple Sclerosis. You have probably heard a few yourself first-hand. These swallowable snippets are oft-uttered by someone trying to relate.  To make conversation.  And fail miserably. Hey it happens.  We’re humans.  We just don’t know when …

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Stop It

Stop It

  All right, just stop it. We have put up with this shit for some time now-so it has come time to cease. You’ve had your little fun…got it out of your system.  But it is best to quit with the games.  Hang it up.  And bury it. I’m talking about things that currently annoy …

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The Year In Pictures

The Year In Pictures

    As 2023 winds down, it’s time for those mind-numbing retrospects of the past year we all try to forget. As high-brow as My Odd Sock may be, even I can’t resist a quick peek back at the campy pictures/photographs I have subjected you to seeing over the past twelve months. My deepest apologies. …

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My Christmas Dilemma

My Christmas Dilemma

  I suck at this. Sixty years of holiday experience and I still suck at this. Gift giving is what I am talking about. I am thee absolute worst gift giver EVER.     If I was one of the three wise men, only I could come up with a more inferior gift idea than …

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Whisper Soft

Whisper Soft

We do exercises to strengthen our entire body.  From legs and arms, to bi’s and tri’s, to traps and lats.  Our gluts to our abs. Through the years of this nonsensical blog, I have offered up pointers to develop many of the near 700 muscles in yer bod.  Heck, I even showed you how to …

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M-R-I’m Hungry

M-R-I’m Hungry

  It has happened.  Again. A routine MRI became a freak accident at a medical center in Redwood, California.  A nurse suffered crushing injuries when she was nearly swallowed whole by a MRI machine gone rogue. But this wasn’t the only occurence.   Just last month an inmate & prison guard become stuck to a …

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Be a Dog (Or a Cat)

Be a Dog (Or a Cat)

  Good morning, sunshine. You have just woken.  Your sleepy eyes still meer slits as daylight peeks through the bedroom windows. Now before you throw over the blankets and put your feet on the floor–do yourself a favor. Take five minutes, while still in bed…..and be a dog (or a cat)!     Dogs (and …

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Sexy Retail

Sexy Retail

  It is a given.  Sex DEFINITELY sells. That’s why sex is so prevalent in movies, on TV, in music. Sex in books & magazines. Sex in print ads, commercials and on the web. Even your local brick & mortar shops use sex to attract customers. Come with me on a drive as I prove …

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A Betrayal

A Betrayal

  I don’t know how.  It just….happened. For years everything was fine.  We got to know each other quite well.  We connected. It was safe.  And satisfying. Until recently.  When things began to change. I became bored.  Disinterested with the same routine.  Same choices.  Same…everything. Deep within I craved more.  A burning passion for something …

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