MS Haikus

MS Haikus


This outta be good.


The haiku (High-Koo) is a Japanese form of poetry.

Only seventeen syllables total in three lines of five, seven and five syllables each.  (My kind of quick read.)

Haikus are fun to compose so I thought I would come up with a few that pertain to life with multiple sclerosis.

Hope you enjoy.  Here goes…..



(What I say to myself when I meet someone I know on the street)

Can’t think of your name.

Dear God I’m drawing a blank.

I will just fake it.


I walk like I’m drunk

so give me beer and maybe

I will walk better.


I pushed the button

but the door did not open.

Maybe it’s broken.


A stain on my shirt.

Will simply stand hunched over.

No one will notice.


Asleep in my seat.

Unable to stay awake.

Boring funeral.


Avonex, Rebif,

Betaseron, Copaxone.

Injectibles suck.


Accessible curb

has a lip that is too big.

Lift your foot higher.


Need to wash my feet.

I will have to bend over.

Eh, maybe next time.


Looking at myelin,

the holes are growing bigger.

Brain like piece of swiss.


Have to pee again.

Just went an hour ago.

Living in the bathroom.


Lost my confidence,

my pride, self-worth and esteem.

Thankful there’s ice cream.


And lastly…..


Reading My Odd Sock

makes me sick to my stomach.

Can your spare a Tums?


Give it a try and come up with your own MS haiku.  Share it here in a comment.

As my favorite teacher used to say…”You might not be a poet, but your feet show it.  Because they are Longfellows!

2 Replies to “MS Haikus”

  1. Florida weather
    Days of never ending rain
    Hurricane will be
    In my chair I watch
    Meteorologist preach
    Dorian here soon
    Comfort of own home
    Disability shelter
    No way I will go
    TV preempted
    Hurricane news will not stop
    Rain wind I get it

    1. Margaret,
      WOW! Nice job with your haikus! I especially liked your last one–had that special Margaret cynicism. Thanks for your creative work!