Category: Multiple Sclerosis

More Cane Fun

More Cane Fun

  I get around a lot. Let me rephrase that…I get around USING TWO CANES a lot. My two canes are always nearby.  And always together. Sometimes I wonder what they do–and what they talk about– in the downtime when they’re not hefting my big butt around. So I came up with a few scenarios …

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Daddy’s Little Helper

Daddy’s Little Helper

  With multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms and leg tremors are a condition prerequisite…a not-so delightful appetizer before the main course, spasticity. Some people experience the involuntary movement in their arms.  But most (like me) have legs that quiver worse than a chihuahua. Such jumpiness happens at the most inopportune time as well.  Like when you’re …

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  Yeah, that’s right.  Your MS M.O. Your “modus operandi.”  Your plan. What are you doing to fight back against your hiccup of multiple sclerosis? But let’s not limit it to just MS. Whether it be arthritis, diabetes, heart disease or any of a malady of ailments–you can’t just stand there & do nothing. You …

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Would You Rather

Would You Rather

  Life is about choices. And where you are in life absolutely dictates the choices you make.  That’s certainly true when you throw multiple sclerosis into the mix.  What you may have chosen early on could differ greatly from what you prefer at this time. To find out where you are, My Odd Sock has …

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F & O

F & O

  It gets to ya.  Building, building, building.  More & more. Till you are at your wits end. F & O.  Frustrated and Overwhelmed. I’m there.  Often. And, as I age, that once comfortable ledge has become more & more narrow.   The strangest things get me F & O’d.  Opening a bag of chips.  …

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More Things

More Things

  I am sure you have seen this list of often heard gaffs…things not to say to someone with Multiple Sclerosis. You have probably heard a few yourself first-hand. These swallowable snippets are oft-uttered by someone trying to relate.  To make conversation.  And fail miserably. Hey it happens.  We’re humans.  We just don’t know when …

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Whisper Soft

Whisper Soft

We do exercises to strengthen our entire body.  From legs and arms, to bi’s and tri’s, to traps and lats.  Our gluts to our abs. Through the years of this nonsensical blog, I have offered up pointers to develop many of the near 700 muscles in yer bod.  Heck, I even showed you how to …

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M-R-I’m Hungry

M-R-I’m Hungry

  It has happened.  Again. A routine MRI became a freak accident at a medical center in Redwood, California.  A nurse suffered crushing injuries when she was nearly swallowed whole by a MRI machine gone rogue. But this wasn’t the only occurence.   Just last month an inmate & prison guard become stuck to a …

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Be a Dog (Or a Cat)

Be a Dog (Or a Cat)

  Good morning, sunshine. You have just woken.  Your sleepy eyes still meer slits as daylight peeks through the bedroom windows. Now before you throw over the blankets and put your feet on the floor–do yourself a favor. Take five minutes, while still in bed…..and be a dog (or a cat)!     Dogs (and …

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The Cost of It All

The Cost of It All

  I admit to being a tight-wad. A miser.  Always looking for the value. Mind you, I’m generous with others.  Quick to chip in.  But when it comes to buying something for myself?  I don’t. Impulse buying is nil.  A dressy shirt?…Eh, I have plenty.  Cool shoes?…the ones I’m wearing are just fine.  And at …

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