Tag: bladder

Shecky Tremble (MS comedian)

Shecky Tremble (MS comedian)

  NOTE:  For the first time since this blog began in 2009, My Odd Sock hands over the reigns to the up & coming MS comedian, Shecky Tremble. The following is a transcript of Shecky’s recent performance at Gimp’s Comedy Club.  Let the show begin…..   Emcee:  “Welcome everyone to Gimps Comedy Club.  We have …

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Good News Bad News

Good News Bad News

    With everything there is good news and bad news. Including multiple sclerosis. Here are some good news/bad news scenarios you may find familiar. Enjoy…..     Good News You are just six steps from the nearest bathroom. Bad News You begin peeing after five. +++++   Good News Your doctor is happy to …

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MS Haikus

MS Haikus

    The haiku (High-Koo) is a Japanese form of poetry. Only seventeen syllables total in three lines of five, seven and five syllables each.  (My kind of quick read.) Haikus are fun to compose so I thought I would come up with a few that pertain to life with multiple sclerosis. Hope you enjoy.  …

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Good Stuff In–Good Stuff Out

Good Stuff In–Good Stuff Out

  I may get somewhat preachy here–so beware.   Every single one of us looks for the magic pill…the infusion-palooza…the divine answer to slaying the MS monster.  We know a cure doesn’t exist yet we search anyway.  (No harm in looking, right?) Because MS has a mind all its own, best you can do is …

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The Mueller Report of MS

The Mueller Report of MS

  Unless you have been living in a cave the past couple years, everyone is familiar with the ongoing investigation by Robert Mueller. Well, finally the nearly 400 page report has been completed.  Although it claims no collusion—it DID cite many examples relating to multiple sclerosis. Here are some of the interesting results found in …

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MS Tabloid Headlines

MS Tabloid Headlines

  The tabloids.  Journalism at its lowest. I don’t buy them but I do admit reading the eye-popping, ridiculous headlines while in line at the checkout. (That’s why they are there, right?) As much as I enjoy keeping up with the latest alien abduction, Elvis sighting or who is currently dating Bigfoot, I notice the …

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National MS Days of June

National MS Days of June

  All the time you hear things like the day being National Cheese Day, National Plant-A-Flower Day or National Take-A-Hike Day. It’s crazy.  It seems as though EVERYTHING has a national day of its own.   June is plumb full of such days. Including many of which pertain to life with multiple sclerosis. Never heard of …

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Caption This

Caption This

    It has been said a picture is worth a thousand words. Well we’re gonna find out! In “Caption This” I will give you a picture and three possible explanations. Your job, besides staying awake through this lame bit, is choosing the best description of the picture.   Let’s begin…..   Does this picture …

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Aim Of Throne

Aim Of Throne

        Multiple sclerosis does wicked things to a person’s psyche, confidence & soul.   The following is a dramatic account of one such event.     The parties involved include:   The toilet.         The floor.           And me, aka My Odd Sock.     …

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MS An Adage

MS An Adage

    Everyone is familiar with an adage….those old, well-worn truths. “Out of sight-out of mind.” “Birds of a feather flock together.” “Look before you leap.”     Seems there are a million of ’em! And did you know, many pertain to multiple sclerosis? It’s true. Here are some of the more familiar MS adages….. …

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