National MS Days of June

National MS Days of June


Enjoy June!

All the time you hear things like the day being National Cheese Day, National Plant-A-Flower Day or National Take-A-Hike Day.

It’s crazy.  It seems as though EVERYTHING has a national day of its own.  

June is plumb full of such days.

Including many of which pertain to life with multiple sclerosis.

Never heard of them?  Well, here are some examples…..


June 1st

National Nail Polish Day

National Go Barefoot Day  (Why would they be on the same day?)

But for MSers, it was “National MS Shower Chair Appreciation Day.”


Missed it?  Don’t worry there are plenty more to follow…..


June 5th

National Moonshine Day

National Veggie Burger Day

While we enjoy “National MS Feels Like Bugs Are Crawling Up My Legs Day.”


June 7th

National Boone Day

National VCR Day

Fitting as it is “National MS Watch A Movie Without Falling Asleep Day.”


June 8th

National Upsy Daisy Day

National Best Friends Day

We have “National MS What’s Your Name Again Day.”


June 10th

National Children’s Day

National Iced Tea Day

While we enjoy “National Almost Made It To The Bathroom Day.”


June 11th

National Corn On The Cob Day

“National MS Drop Food In My Lap Day.”

As well as “National MS Tide-To-Go In My Purse Day.”


June 13th

National Sewing Machine Day

National Weed Your Garden Day

And “National MS Cooling Vest Summer Attire Day.”


June 14th

National Bourbon Day

National Flag Day

“National MS Accessible Curbs That Are Too High To Be Accessible Day.”


June 15th

National Smile Power Day

National Flip-Flop Day

“National Stumble Day.”


June 16th

National Fudge Day

“National MS Elastic Waistband Pants Appreciation Day.”


June 17th

National Turkey Lover’s Day

National Eat Your Vegetables Day

“National MS Ice Cream For Vitamin D Day.”


June 19th

National Garfield The Cat Day

National Watch Day

“National MS Ready For A Nap Before 10am Day.”


June 21st

National Seashell Day

National Selfie Day

Unfortunately it is also “National MS Wear This Top Another Day Day.”


June 23rd

National Pink Day

National Pecan Sandies Day

“National MS Muscle Spasms Are My Exercise Day.”


June 25th

National Catfish Day

National Leon Day

“National MS Think I’ll Wind-Surf Like People In MS Ads Day.”


June 27th

National Sunglasses Day

National Parchment Day

“National What’s My Co-Pay Day.”


June 29th

National Camera Day

National Waffle Iron Day

“National Clean Out Your Rollator Basket Day.”


June 30th

National Meteor Watch Day

National Social Media Day

“National MS Gonna Kick MS’ Ass Everyday Day.”


Remember to take nothing for granted.  Do your best to improve your MS situation each day.

Keep moving my friend.


Yikes this bit sucked!