Tag: Rollator

More Cane Fun

More Cane Fun

  I get around a lot. Let me rephrase that…I get around USING TWO CANES a lot. My two canes are always nearby.  And always together. Sometimes I wonder what they do–and what they talk about– in the downtime when they’re not hefting my big butt around. So I came up with a few scenarios …

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Would You Rather

Would You Rather

  Life is about choices. And where you are in life absolutely dictates the choices you make.  That’s certainly true when you throw multiple sclerosis into the mix.  What you may have chosen early on could differ greatly from what you prefer at this time. To find out where you are, My Odd Sock has …

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MS Then/Now

MS Then/Now

  When you have multiple sclerosis, or any chronic disease for that matter, things change over time. Lifestyles, habits & routines evolve into a completely different scene.  I know as I’ve changed since my MS diagnosis back in 1996. Here’s a Then/Now look at a few of those changes. Maybe you can relate!…..   Silly …

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Some Days

Some Days

  Some days you just wanna bitch to no one in particular. (This is one of those days) Some days I get so tired of doing what I can to hold off the steady grip MS has on my life.  Tired of the exercise & stretching to battle spasticity, only to have it come back …

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Speak To Me

Speak To Me

      Here’s what people (me, mostly) are saying about their MS…..       What would YOU say about your multiple sclerosis?  Tell me with a comment.                                                     …

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Rock & Rollator

Rock & Rollator

  There comes a day in life when you say “what the hell” and make the big purchase. The reckless abandon–you only live life once…purchase. For some it’s a boat or jet ski.  For others it’s a convertible sports car. For me, an MSer, it’s a new, shiny rollator.  (Wow are my nipples tender!) I …

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Quiet As A Moose

Quiet As A Moose

  Quiet as a moose. That’s right.  It’s not a typo. Moose.  Not mouse.  Moose. Multiple sclerosis has turned me into a walking, err, scuffling noisemaker.   Hospitals could hire me to wake people from a coma. I don’t understand how it happens.  I am trying to be quiet but the harder I try-the more …

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MS The Musical

MS The Musical

Sing along with one of my fav posts…   Since its debut in 2001, Menopause The Musical has entertained audiences throughout the world. Due to their phenomenal success, My Odd Sock thought it was damn time multiple sclerosis has a show of its own. And thus, presents….. Like the predecessor, MS The Musical will showcase …

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I Am Different

I Am Different

  It pains me to admit since my MS diagnosis in ’96—-I am different. REALLY?  How did you come to that conclusion, Einstein?  Was it the wheelchair?  Rollator?  Hand controls on your car?  Or was it the half dozen canes scattered throughout the house & garage? No no no, of course I am different physically…heavier, flabbier, …

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As The Myelin Fades

As The Myelin Fades

Let us revisit the original episode of “As The Myelin Fades” as a new version is in the works…       As you know, multiple sclerosis is a disease of intrigue. A daily barrage of quirks.  An aberration of normalcy. Complete with the twists and turns of a bad TV soap opera.     …

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