The Mueller Report of MS

The Mueller Report of MS


Oh brother.

Unless you have been living in a cave the past couple years, everyone is familiar with the ongoing investigation by Robert Mueller.

Well, finally the nearly 400 page report has been completed.  Although it claims no collusion—it DID cite many examples relating to multiple sclerosis.

Here are some of the interesting results found in the Mueller Report of MS…..


…you don’t realize you have to pee till the seat belt is fastened…

…you never actually meet the “friend’s Aunt’s cousin” who also has MS…

Watch your step!


…if a rug has a wrinkle, your foot will find it…


…some automatic doors close way too quickly…

…your hair looks its best when you have nowhere to go…

…the Tide Pod Challenge is nothing compared to swallowing a Prednisone…



…you will struggle to button a shirt before noticing the buttons weren’t lined up…


…the item you want on the grocery shelf is always juuust out of reach…

…if there’s something good on tv, you won’t be able to stay awake to watch the whole thing…

…when considering a drink, you must weigh thirst versus number of possible bathroom visits…

Bob Mueller


…a foot massage feels better than any treatment…

…fashion never looks good sitting in a wheelchair…

…a scooter will fail to charge on your busiest day…


Wake up, sleepy head!


…your deepest sleep of the night happens right before the alarm goes off…

…having a short memory makes it easy to forget a bad day…

And finally,

…you would write a letter if someone could read what you have written…


Who knew the special counsel would uncover SO MUCH about multiple sclerosis!

Keep moving.






4 Replies to “The Mueller Report of MS”

  1. Doug, you are so funny and accurate. I think one of my biggest problems, is having to pee and the door weighs at least 100 pounds. I’m not sure why bathroom doors have to be so heavy? I have learned ” like a little kid”, try to pee , way before you have too. Thanks for the read, definitely sharing this one 😏

    1. Joanne,
      Having MS is just like being in the scouts…always be prepared.
      Thanks for your kind words.

  2. … has also been alleged that Montel Williams is working with the Russian government to come up with a formula for a pill that will cure MS….. #fakenews