Tag: bladder

Some Days

Some Days

  Some days you just wanna bitch to no one in particular. (This is one of those days) Some days I get so tired of doing what I can to hold off the steady grip MS has on my life.  Tired of the exercise & stretching to battle spasticity, only to have it come back …

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Door Mats For MSers

Door Mats For MSers

  Knock! Knock! Knock! There is someone at the door.  But by the time you answer it, they are loooong gone. As one with multiple sclerosis, I know.  It happens every day. If only there was a way to let them know you need an extra moment to get the door. Well now there is …

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A Bad Day

A Bad Day

    You are NOT alone. Everybody has’em from time to time. And having MS doesn’t help. I had a bad day recently and it was my own fault. You see, I overdid it & paid the price for my stubbornness not to give in.   It was a sunny morning.  Not too hot.  Yet. …

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Speak To Me

Speak To Me

      Here’s what people (me, mostly) are saying about their MS…..       What would YOU say about your multiple sclerosis?  Tell me with a comment.                                                     …

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MS Health Assessment

MS Health Assessment

  As one with multiple sclerosis, you may be familiar with the pre-appointment health assessment. It’s basically a series of questions about your current condition, mood, symptoms, lifestyle…stuff like that. The health assessment gives your caregiver a better understanding of where you are as a patient, how you are coping with your condition and alerts …

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Treat Yo Self

Treat Yo Self

  That’s right.  Go ahead.  Indulge.  Treat yourself. You deserve it! After dealing with all the shenanigans MS has to offer…the sleepless nights, the falls, constant potty breaks, spasms, vertigo, fatigue, you name it–you also had to cope with a pandemic in 2020! Add it up and you are MORE than deserving of a treat …

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MS: By The Numbers

MS: By The Numbers

  Ever wonder whose job it is to compile those seemingly mindless sports statistics?  On-base-percentage of lefties vs righties on overcast days in April?  Odds of first-down during a defensive blitz by a running back with a reverse mortgage?   Multiple sclerosis is no different.  There are boo-coo figures on every aspect of MS.  And …

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Shecky Tremble (MS Comedian) Return Engagement

Shecky Tremble (MS Comedian) Return Engagement

  Emcee:  “Welcome everyone to Gimp’s Comedy Club, Dubuque’s only comedy nite-spot for the chronically impaired. We have a great show for you tonight.  Our headliner is BACK for a return engagement!  He is a very funny MSer who has played waiting rooms & support groups across the country! Give it up with a big …

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My Odd Sock’s MS Face Masks

My Odd Sock’s MS Face Masks

  In the age of personalized everything why not your face mask? (You ARE wearing one, right?) Shop around and you will quickly notice there are NO face masks catering to those of us with multiple sclerosis. That is, till My Odd Sock enters the fray! Here are a few ideas of how a MS …

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The Fine Print

The Fine Print

  You ever read the fine print? Ever read the legalese mumbo-jumbo terms of agreement or do you just click ‘accept’ like I do? Of course you don’t read the fine print.  Heck, you can barely see it, right? Well don’t despair, you are not alone.  I am right there with you.   Recently I …

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