Good News Bad News

Good News Bad News


Give it to me straight.


With everything there is good news and bad news.

Including multiple sclerosis.

Here are some good news/bad news scenarios you may find familiar.




Good News

You are just six steps from the nearest bathroom.

Bad News

You begin peeing after five.



Good News

Your doctor is happy to write a new prescription.

Bad News

Doc’s handwriting is neater than yours.



Bad News

You dribbled soup down the front of your shirt.

Good News

The pattern of the fabric makes it difficult to notice.



Good News

You are all done as they pull you out of the MRI

Bad News

It’s a contrast MRI– so after an injection you are shoved back in.



Good News

You get to bed at a decent hour.

Bad News

Your legs decide to keep you awake till an indecent hour.



Good News

A ‘balanced diet’ is best for proper health.

Bad News

‘Balanced’ does NOT mean equal portions of candy, cake & ice cream.



Good News

You grabbed a shopping cart to help you walk the aisles of the store.

Bad News

You grabbed the cart with a squeeky wheel.



Bad News

Your meds make you drowsy.

Good News

It’s okay to add “take nap” to your to-do list.



Good News

A shower or bath can revive a weary soul.

Bad News

How clean you get depends on how many times you drop the soap before saying “Screw it” & giving up.



Good News

Everyone’s multiple sclerosis is different.

Bad News

Admittedly, you compare how you are doing to how they are doing.  (Maybe that’s just me.)


Good News

You relented & finally got a disabled parking placard.

Bad News

Now just try to find a place to park!


Good News

You enjoy site-seeing during car rides.

Bad News

Staying awake long enough to see some.



Good News

You use one of those courtesy power-scooters at the big-box store to save time & energy.

Bad News

Its battery conks-out halfway through.


Good News

You are packing for a weekend getaway.

Bad News

You pack a week’s worth of clothes due to MS clumsiness.


Good News

You and your doctor are on the same page.

Bad News

You can’t remember what page.



Good News

Your MS meds seem to be working.

Bad News

You’ve yet to kayak a rapids like in the ad.


Well, good news–this post is over.  Bad news–there is more My Odd Sock to come.

Leave a good news/bad news comment of your own.

Keep moving.





6 Replies to “Good News Bad News”

  1. Totally agree Doug but when taking a bath to relax. My problem, how to get out esp when your legs feel like jelly and your strength is zapped 🤔😂

    1. Joanne,
      Sometimes I have a difficult time lifting my foot over the shower wall. Feel like I’m going to be stuck there forever! Thank you for your comment.

  2. Very funny, as always! Laughing at the thing that most needs to be laughed at!

    ‘Bad News
    ‘Your legs decide to keep you awake till indecent hour.’

    [Ever the editor, I have to suggest placing ‘an’ in front of ‘indecent hour’.]

    [And a further suggestion from someone who has lived this sh!t, with the help of baclofen, a muscle relaxant…]

    You wrote:
    ‘ Bad News
    ‘Your legs decide to keep you awake till indecent hour.’

    I’d like to suggest an addition:

    ‘Worse News
    ‘Your legs won’t spread apart, and they often experience muscular spasms, so your legs may as well be a mermaid’s tail.’

    Thank you for the levity! 😀

  3. Gale,
    Thank you for your suggestions. I made the correction-thanks, I get quick to publish w/o prrofreading! I LOVE the ‘mermaid’s tail.’ Nice! P.S. I take baclofen as well. Stretching before bed helps too. Appreciate your readership!


    I have multiple sclerosis


    No one will expect me to host Thanksgiving dinner next year

    1. Margaret,
      Lady, you make me laugh! (I needed that–it’s been a tough couple of weeks.) Love your skewed view! Keep it up you old Florida barracuda!!!