Tag: Rollator

Twenty Things I Have Learned Having MS

Twenty Things I Have Learned Having MS

How many can you relate with?  Please enjoy this re-run of an old My Odd Sock…..       It’s true.  My Odd Sock has been away for quite a while.  (Just long enough for the nightmares to subside, right?)   But my time away hasn’t all been wasted.  (Most of it yes, but not …

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The MS Guide To The Movies

The MS Guide To The Movies

Hope you enjoy the 2nd run of this old My Odd Sock…stale popcorn & all……      My Odd Sock and multiple sclerosis go Hollywood! Many titles of feature films can be related to MS in some way, shape or form.  My Odd Sock thought it might be fun to draw some red-carpet comparisons to …

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Use Your Tools

Use Your Tools

    As one with multiple sclerosis, walking, yeah simple walking, can be a misadventure of mobility.  (Tell me something I don’t know!) But trying to carry something while walking can be a downright catastrophe! Especially if you are like me and use a mobility aid like canes, crutches, rollator, wheelchair, scooter…or a combo of …

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Hope For Humanity

Hope For Humanity

      As a kid growing up, I often heard the older folks complaining about the world “goin to hell.”  “The future being doomed” and “Kid’s today don’t know their asses from a hole in the ground.” (Their words not mine.)   I suppose they thought that way because elders said the same about …

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      It’s time to jam with My Odd Sock’s “MS-A-Band.” What’s that? “MS-A-Band” is where we inject, err sorry, I mean infuse, eh no better, I meant add some multiple sclerosis to our favorite bands, singers & musical artists.     A fun, mash-up of music and MS.  A tingly DX of solos …

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Most Wanted

Most Wanted

      Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has claimed the #1 spot as the Most Wanted Fugitive Disease.       Across the globe, over 2.5 million people are affected by MS.  Over 400,000 people in the United States alone. MS has been accused of burglary.  Stealing independence, mobility and quality of life.  Ruining plans.  Robbing …

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Crowds, Chaos & Confusion

Crowds, Chaos & Confusion

Let’s revisit this old My Odd Sock.  I am currently “prepping” for my first colonoscopy, so no time to create a new post. Please enjoy as I gotta go.  Literally, I gotta go….      Yep, crowds, chaos & confusion.  Nothing brings this Odd Sock to his knees faster than a situation involving any of …

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The Fall Guy

The Fall Guy

    My Christmas holiday was like an old episode of TV’s “The Fall Guy.” Well, sort of. It had nothing to do with Lee Majors, star of the action-adventure series from the 1980’s.  Nor did it have anything to do with being a Hollywood stuntman turned bounty hunter (the plot of the show). I …

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What’s Going On Here?

What’s Going On Here?

                Time to answer the question on everyone’s mind….”What’s Going On Here?” My Odd Sock presents five different pictures along with several descriptions of what may be happening in each picture. Your task is to choose the summary that best describes “What’s Going On Here?”   Let’s get …

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Happy MS Anniversary To Me

Happy MS Anniversary To Me

    Feeling rather lazy today, I decided to post an article I wrote for the Ohio Buckeye Chapter Fall 2014 MS Connection newsletter.  (Yes, it is amazing someone else would let my work ruin their fine reputation!) But they did.  And here it is….     Fall holds a special place in my heart. …

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