
It’s time to jam with My Odd Sock’s “MS-A-Band.”
What’s that?
“MS-A-Band” is where we inject, err sorry, I mean infuse, eh no better, I meant add some multiple sclerosis to our favorite bands, singers & musical artists.
A fun, mash-up of music and MS. A tingly DX of solos and brain scans!
Let’s boogie as we “MS-A-Band”…..
Where’s Elton’s John
Mariah Carey-Me
Bay City Rollators
Too Crowded House

Myelin Cyrus (pictured)
Stevie Wonder Drug
Legs Heavy As Led Zeppelin
Great White Brain Matter
The Notorious M.R.I.
Legs In Quiet Riot
Fall Down Boy
the rapper, LM-AFO
George Can’t Walk Strait

The Handicap Doors
Run D.M.D.
Stepped In Dog-Foo Fighters
Reba MyEntire Body Is Numb
Donna Summer’s Too Hot
Dire Gaits
Metallica Taste In My Mouth

Merle I Feel Haggard
Gotta Wiz Again Khalifa
Tears For MS Fears
and finally,
Bruised Deep Purple
Got a favorite MS band you would like added to the playlist?
Please share with a comment.
Meanwhile, I think I’ll enjoy some blues with “Fell In Muddy Waters.”
5 Replies to “MS-A-Band”
Really great list! Drawing a blank, sharing! Mary Gerdt
Thank you much! Don’t worry I can relate, I am the king of drawing a blank.
Did you remember Tammy Why-net? Reba Mac-In- Tire? No they don’t have much to do with MS but I’m trying to get in the groove. Great list, thanks for the smile!
Love it!! Just perfect My Odd Sock!!!
I’m not as clever so can’t contribute, but I sure enjoyed this. It’s good and healthy to laugh. You’re good medicine Sock!