Happy MS Anniversary To Me
Feeling rather lazy today, I decided to post an article I wrote for the Ohio Buckeye Chapter Fall 2014 MS Connection newsletter. (Yes, it is amazing someone else would let my work ruin their fine reputation!)
But they did. And here it is….
Fall holds a special place in my heart.
It’s my anniversary—-my MS anniversary.

Yep, multiple sclerosis and I have been together 18 years now.
We began with a short courtship.
A few twinges of weakness here and there.
Some numbness.
But just enough signs to raise suspicions by my family doctor.
An MRI later confirmed a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.
It was September of 1996 when we finally exchanged our vows.
I, Odd Sock, take you MS, to be my chronic disease.
To have…and to hold. (Probably referring to the MS hug)
From this day forward.
For better or for worse. (I’m hoping for the better)
For richer or for poorer. (Cripes I’m on disability–I’ll never be richer!)
In sickness and in health. (Look as though I got the sickness part down!)
Until death do us part.
We didn’t have much of a honeymoon as soon after our ceremony, I was hooked to a steroid IV. (Remember the “in sickness & in health part?)
Like most relationships, through the years we had our share of ups and downs, highs and lows, stumbles and falls (mostly by me).
Since separation or divorce wasn’t an option, we did the counseling & support group thing only to realize we really didn’t like each other.
I wasn’t fond of MS and likewise, MS didn’t think much of me.
It took several years before we came to a mutual compromise. MS would do its thing and I would do mine.
When MS would zig, I would zag.
When MS threatened my ability to drive, I got hand controls for the car. When it challenges my balance I use grab bars, canes and a rollator. And when MS swipes my energy to walk I use a wheelchair.
My point being, whatever your MS throws your way, you can return the favor with something bigger & better. You can exercise to improve your tolerance to fatigue. Stretch to lessen spasms of spasticity. And you can take part in activities you enjoy to combat the negative doldrums of MS.
Personally, I enjoy writing about MS. Poking fun of it.
Writing about MS (and slaying the English language) helps me cope with the everyday challenges & frustrations that people with MS face.
I hope you feel the same way.
As an MSer way wiser than myself once commented, “It is better to live & laugh than cry & die.”
Well stated.
Living by that standard could be the reason why MS and I have been able to put up with one another for 18 years.
By the way, that reminds me, what exactly is the traditional gift for an 18th MS anniversary? An A.F.O.? New cane tips? Bottle of Baclofen?
As I “celebrate” my illness with much sarcasm, my true feelings are filled with hope and positive energy for a long future with MS.
May you live with MS much the same.
5 Replies to “Happy MS Anniversary To Me”
Love it!!!
I think an appropriate gift for a MS anniversary would be a gift card to a Medical Supply Store. 🙂
Oh you got me girl. That’s a funny one!
Thank you as always!
Thanks, but you’re too easy to please.
Damn, I missed my 25 year MS diagnosis anniversary in August. Maybe “it” will agree to an adequate divorce settlement? We never had a formal service so I guess this must be a common law arrangement. We had a service right after an MRI tryst. There were pictures to record that marriage service. I have had several more pictures confirming that marriage years later. Maybe we should just kiss and make up? It has mostly been fairly good to me sort of. An “MRI tryst” does sound like it would be something fun but it wasn’t in any sense. Congratulations though on your anniversary?
Wow, a belated silver anniversary wish for you & your chronic partner.
Thanks for sharing your good fortune!