Tag: foot drop

Sliders: the foot-drop perspective

Sliders: the foot-drop perspective

  “Take a step in my shoes” is an all-too familiar quote.  And when you have multiple sclerosis & MS related foot-drop in particular, “taking a step in my shoes” can be difficult–if not darn near impossible. That’s why with foot-drop, the proper shoes are a prerequisite. In most cases, every MSer has a favorite …

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MS A TV Show

MS A TV Show

    Time for some fun with multiple sclerosis! Let’s take a TV show…and add a pinch of MS. This bit was inspired by Margaret, a long-time My Odd Sock reader & fellow MSer.  She even contributed a few programs of her own! Ready to play? Join us as we “MS A TV Show”…..   …

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A Matter of Inches

A Matter of Inches

    Life is a long, long journey. But when you have the ickies like multiple sclerosis, the teeny-tiniest part of the journey can be the most challenging. Not miles, meters or even feet. With MS & MS related foot-drop, the biggest hurdles in life can be measured in inches.  (Often even less than that!) …

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Playing Footsie

Playing Footsie

    I do not have a foot fetish. It only appears that way. Through illness (multiple sclerosis), I have become obsessed by how feet do their thang (or how they don’t in my case). Though I am not alone in my preoccupation as most MSer’s I know have the same problems.  A “one-size-fits-all” if …

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MS Bingo

MS Bingo

    If you are reading this, two things are certain: 1)-  You have multiple sclerosis (Or some related chronic ick.) and 2)-  You LOVE playing Bingo.   That’s why My Odd Sock has combined the two to present “MS Bingo!!!”   Below are several specially-created, MS-inspired Bingo cards to get us started…..   Card …

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War On Spasticity

War On Spasticity

    The picture on your left is :   A-  A medieval torture chamber. B-  Devices of a Dominatrix. C-  Things I use to battle spasticity.       Although there may be some truth to both answers A and B, my intention was for you to choose answer C.   Because C includes many of the weapons I …

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My Odd Sock’s MS Emoticons

My Odd Sock’s MS Emoticons

Sharing emoticons in our modern-day communications have become as popular as sharing the cold virus with a handshake. The cutesy smiling face 🙂 adds a happy tone to a sentence. While a frowny face 🙁 can alert others you are not having a good day. As frequently as emoticons are used in emails & text …

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Naming Your MS Blog

Naming Your MS Blog

Hope you enjoy this previously soiled My Odd Sock! So you want to write about your MS in a blog?  That’s great!  What you’ll need to do first is think of a unique name for your blog and register it as a domain name with a company like Go Daddy.com.  (Yes, I hate Go Daddy’s …

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What MS Means To Me

What MS Means To Me

Since my diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (Class of 1996  Motto: “’96 we’re not hicks!”), this disease has come to define my life in many different ways. Some for the worse, but some, I must say, for the better. So, I thought I would jot down a few examples of what MS means to me…and share …

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Nice Pair!

Nice Pair!

When you have MS related foot-drop like I do, a nice pair is essential. Shoes, that is. A nice pair of shoes. Not even a pair of shoes that look good.  I’m referring to shoes that easily tread over ALL surfaces. Not too grippy, but not too slippery. Too much grip or too much slip …

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