Tag: Exercise

Daddy’s Little Helper

Daddy’s Little Helper

  With multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms and leg tremors are a condition prerequisite…a not-so delightful appetizer before the main course, spasticity. Some people experience the involuntary movement in their arms.  But most (like me) have legs that quiver worse than a chihuahua. Such jumpiness happens at the most inopportune time as well.  Like when you’re …

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Good Stuff In–Good Stuff Out

Good Stuff In–Good Stuff Out

  I may get somewhat preachy here–so beware.   Every single one of us looks for the magic pill…the infusion-palooza…the divine answer to slaying the MS monster.  We know a cure doesn’t exist yet we search anyway.  (No harm in looking, right?) Because MS has a mind all its own, best you can do is …

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Resolutions Really?

Resolutions Really?

    Happy 2019 to you! What would be the lamest idea for the first post of the new year? Resolutions, of course. Honestly I don’t make new years resolutions.  And neither should you. Here’s why. Resolutions are a waste of time & energy because they are rarely achieved and meant to be broken.   …

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  If you didn’t know, I’m a fairly avid reader. Books, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, pamphlets, cereal boxes, even phone books. Honestly if it has something of interest, I’ll read it. Reading is knowledge, right?   So just last week I found myself immersed in the Winter edition of MS Focus Magazine. MS Focus is the …

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Go With It

Go With It

    You can’t make a pie if you don’t have the filling. Okay, how does that relate to multiple sclerosis, you ask? It’s a fatigue issue really.  If you don’t have the energy inside, not much is getting done out. Fatigue hits me hardest on warmer days.  Feels like I have concrete in my …

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MS Pie Charts

MS Pie Charts

    I love pie charts.  And I love pie.  Though not necessarily in that order. Pie charts are a fantastic way to present useful information. Or in this case, nonsensical info relating to our beloved multiple sclerosis. Take a peek at these pie charts and maybe you will come away with a smile. Enjoy… …

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The F-Word

The F-Word

  The f-word. It’s offensive. Obscene. Vulgar. Who knew when you were knighted with the dubious distinction of having multiple sclerosis, the f-word would become a prominent part of your vocabulary. Everything seemingly revolves around the f-word. Er, wait.  Before I go any further, let’s be sure we are on the same page.   The …

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What Gives?

What Gives?

    What Gives? That’s what I wanna know. One would think with over 20 years of experience, a person might know something. After twenty years of marriage, you are pretty familiar with your partner. Twenty years on the job?  It’s safe to say you know your way around the shop.   But after twenty …

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Do You Prep?

Do You Prep?

      There is a big day looming on my MS horizon. Appointments. Not one.  Not two.  But three appointments in a single day.   A trifecta of care at the Mellen Center of the Cleveland Clinic.         I’ll begin with a morning session of Botox injections in my legs to …

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MS-A-Day Calendar

MS-A-Day Calendar

You may have received a page-a-day desk calendar as a Christmas gift.  But did you get one like this? Enjoy this re-run of My Odd Sock’s “MS-A-Day Calendar”…..     Dogs.  Cats.  Jokes.  Trivia.  Recipes.  Sports. They make those page-a-day calendars for almost everything. Almost. They forgot chronic disease.         That’s why …

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