Tag: Baclofen

MS Bingo

MS Bingo

    If you are reading this, two things are certain: 1)-  You have multiple sclerosis (Or some related chronic ick.) and 2)-  You LOVE playing Bingo.   That’s why My Odd Sock has combined the two to present “MS Bingo!!!”   Below are several specially-created, MS-inspired Bingo cards to get us started…..   Card …

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Or Maybe

Or Maybe

Please enjoy this re-do of an older My Odd Sock while I take a breather.  Best wishes.     Quite possibly, the most over-used phrase of this MSer is “Or maybe.”   (“Quite possibly” ranks a close second!)   “Or maybe” comes in handy as I try to assess how I am feeling (good or …

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I Hope…

I Hope…

  Hope is an important aspect of our lives. You hear it in our daily conversations…”I hope you do well on the exam.”  “I hope they win the game.”  “I hope you have a good day.” Add a difficult situation into the mix, like a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, makes hope an even stronger feeling …

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War On Spasticity

War On Spasticity

    The picture on your left is :   A-  A medieval torture chamber. B-  Devices of a Dominatrix. C-  Things I use to battle spasticity.       Although there may be some truth to both answers A and B, my intention was for you to choose answer C.   Because C includes many of the weapons I …

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Happy MS Anniversary To Me

Happy MS Anniversary To Me

    Feeling rather lazy today, I decided to post an article I wrote for the Ohio Buckeye Chapter Fall 2014 MS Connection newsletter.  (Yes, it is amazing someone else would let my work ruin their fine reputation!) But they did.  And here it is….     Fall holds a special place in my heart. …

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MS Commencement Ceremony

MS Commencement Ceremony

It was held-back the last time, so enjoy this graduation post one more time! Tis that time of year when smiling, fresh faces cross the stage to receive their diplomas. It is a time to celebrate not only, the hard work and commitment of years past, but also the enticement of what lies ahead in …

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Time Well Spent

Time Well Spent

Let’s face it, time is all we have—and who knows how much we get, so why not spend some time with a little physical exercise. (GAG, GASP, CHOKE, SPIT, GROAN, CHORTLE, PUKE, WHEEZ, SNORT, COUGH) Now hear me out. The time you spend moving that body of yours will thank you back times ten. It’s …

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MS Fraternity

MS Fraternity

Please enjoy (or chug) this previously used My Odd Sock! I was checking in at the front desk of the MS Clinic for my appointment when he rolled up behind me. His name was Andrew, and he too had multiple sclerosis.  He was asking about my manual wheelchair while I asked him about his power …

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The MS Time Zone

The MS Time Zone

It’s all about the big four….the Eastern…the Central…the Mountain…and the Pacific. Of course, I’m referring to the four time zones found here in the U.S. When I say “big,” I’m really talking about the Eastern, Central & Pacific only.  The Mountain is like the ugly stepchild time zone no one cares about. And what’s with …

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Would You Or Wouldn’t You?

Would You Or Wouldn’t You?

Medical marijuana is today’s big health debate. Experts struggle over the treatment benefits. States grapple with legality issues. While our representatives in D.C. fuss over their reelection campaigns. Fourteen states already offer medical marijuana as a viable treatment option for numerous medical conditions, including MS. Meanwhile, other states are working to put the issue before …

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