Holiday Hugs

Holiday Hugs

  ‘Tis the season celebrated with family & friends. Warmest greetings are exchanged.  Hearty hello’s & well wishes along with embraces of fellowship. Hugs are given to all within reach…graciously accepted by everyone–except this guy…who is shakily standing there, teetering on two canes.   You see, with multiple sclerosis, comes piss-poor balance.  And the simplest …

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Guzzle Gifts

Guzzle Gifts

    Got a drinker on your gift list? How about a bottle of wine from a local winery? Some crafted beer from an area brewpub? Or fine spirits from your state agency?   Then, head to Ollie’s to get your party started!     If you are not familiar, Ollie’s is a closeout retailer …

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Guilt Over Good

Guilt Over Good

  One can be guilty of many things. Mostly bad stuff comes to mind. But I ask you, can one be guilty of a GOOD thing? Here’s my dilemma. Speaking to those with multiple sclerosis, you already know that with a MS diagnosis there can be a truckload of symptoms, signs, reactions, maladies & ailments…affecting …

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Leaf Blowers Blow

Leaf Blowers Blow

  The fall season brings out its absolute best. Crisp temps.  Clear skies.  And a rainbow of vivid colors as Mother Nature shows her hand. But on the contrary, with fall, also comes its absolute worst–the emergence of the annoying, man-made cicada of the season–the LEAF BLOWER.   You see, I loathe leaf blowers.  Can’t …

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  This pitiful blog serves as my outlet. A place to spew my thoughts, my gripes & ideas in a somewhat humorous way. Not everything will be on point as my mind hits & skips like a ’74 Dodge Dart. Today is no exception as I drone on about two subjects in this post titled …

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Dreadfully Awful

Dreadfully Awful

    I just finished taking a cycle of the commonly-prescribed oral steroid, Prednisone. Whether you have MS, a myriad of other health conditions or simply trying to boost your home run total, you are well aware of what I am about to say.       How do these tiny, tiny pills…smaller than mini …

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The Flemmy Awards

The Flemmy Awards

It’s the Flemmy Awards! Welcome ladies & gentlemen to the Flemmy’s, celebrating the best & worst of My Odd Sock. We are live from the American Legion hall in Sheboygan for this star-studded event.     Everyone in attendance hoping, dreaming to take home a coveted, career-killing Flemmy Award! The winners are in.  Trophies have been …

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Adults Say The Darndest Things

Adults Say The Darndest Things

    It’s not just kids. Often, seemingly mature, educated, functioning, responsible adults come up with shit that leaves your head spinning. You & I and everyone with any sort of health malady have heard our share of these numbing witicisms. The examples are endless.   I believe people belch out this stuff without even …

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MS Fact or Fiction

MS Fact or Fiction

    There is a lot of bad information online about multiple sclerosis (Much of it found here!). As a service to you, My Odd Sock has poured over this vast amount of data to sort through what is real…and what is not real is this post titled “MS Fact or Fiction.” Let us begin…..   …

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  Strolling down the cookie aisle they are NOT hard to miss. Oreos, America’s most-popular sandwich cookie, take up a majority of sacred shelf space. Its familiar color package casts a glow making everyone look like a member of Blue Man Group. Who would have guessed Oreos could have so many varieties? The choices put …

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