Back Scratch Fever

Back Scratch Fever

  There is nothing better than a good back scratch. Dig in with the right touch and I’ll sit there like a dozy Labrador (tongue hangs out just the same). But with me it doesn’t stop there. My back.  Neck.  Scalp.  Hands.  Shins.  Chest.  Armpits.  Head, shoulders, knees & toes.  Knees & toes.   With …

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Whose Shoes

Whose Shoes

Shoes are cool.  Shoes are fashionable.  But the cool, fashionable ones…are damn expensive. Which is why I’ve never had many shoes. Although I love’em, I’m too cheap to buy’em. That and my belief in you can only wear one pair at a time–so why own so many? Imelda Marcos, former first lady of the Philipines, …

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Tired Wired

Tired Wired

  When you have had multiple sclerosis a while the usual MS talking points get somewhat boring. Humdrum.  Same-ol, same-ol. They need jazzed-up a bit to keep my (and maybe your) interest. Welcome to “Tired Wired,” where we take an old “tired” MS topic and give it a new “wired” spin. Here we go…   …

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Is This It?

Is This It?

  Is this it? What’s left? Anything else? Is that all? What now? These are just some of the questions you may find yourself asking when (or if) multiple sclerosis takes you away from something you love.   Your job.  Your favorite activity.  Hobby.  Passion.  Whatever. It happens.  And it sucks. You feel defeated. Like …

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My Odd Sock Reader Profile

My Odd Sock Reader Profile

  Since its humble beginning WAY back in 2009, this silly blog has shared my thoughts, fears, hopes, dreams & humor (the last one often debated). But enough about ME!  Time to learn about YOU! Thus, presenting the “My Odd Sock Reader Profile.” This short survey will chart your likes, dislikes & preferences which will …

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Load of Crap

Load of Crap

  It’s irritating.  Overused.  And has no relevant meaning. I cringe when reading it.  Shudder, when I hear it. Is it meant to brag?  A proud boast, maybe? Whatever its purpose, I think it’s a load of crap. What am I talking about? I’m referring to the nonsensical mantra used by some fellow MSers… Really? …

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Sounds Funny

Sounds Funny

    The written word itself may or may not be interesting. But how it sounds when spoken–can be downright engaging! Some words are short.  Abrupt.  Smacking you upside the head with purpose.  While longer words can have an ebb & flow.  A cadence which carries you along with a venacular rhythm.   I love …

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Bladder Blather

Bladder Blather

  With multiple sclerosis, problems with pee-pee and poo-poo are quite common.  Namely when an MSer has to go–we HAVE TO GO.  Get out of our way ‘cuz it’s game time! I’m undoing my pants way before I cross the bathroom threshold.  Even then it can be a close call. Nighttime is the worst. I’ll …

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My Beak

My Beak

  My beak. The nose on my face.  Yeah, we go way back.  Been my calling card for ages. It’s big-no doubt.  It’s the first thing that enters a room. Most people say they remember someone’s eyes.  With me, they never forget my nose.   I’ve frightened small children.  It counts as another appendage…two arms, two …

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