Tag: TV

I’m Tired Of…

I’m Tired Of…

      Here are 50 things I’m tired of…       Johnny Depp Amber Heard Multiple Sclerosis Gerrymandering  Vlad Putin Tom Selleck’s Reverse Mortgage Unopenable Chip Bags Huge Trucks & SUV’s Any of the Kardashians Ear Hair Jussie Smallett Wordle Scores Cornhole Golden State Warriors Derek Chauvin “Stages” of NASCAR Tight Jeans (on …

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As The Myelin Fades

As The Myelin Fades

Let us revisit the original episode of “As The Myelin Fades” as a new version is in the works…       As you know, multiple sclerosis is a disease of intrigue. A daily barrage of quirks.  An aberration of normalcy. Complete with the twists and turns of a bad TV soap opera.     …

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MS A TV Show

MS A TV Show

    Time for some fun with multiple sclerosis! Let’s take a TV show…and add a pinch of MS. This bit was inspired by Margaret, a long-time My Odd Sock reader & fellow MSer.  She even contributed a few programs of her own! Ready to play? Join us as we “MS A TV Show”…..   …

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Time Well Spent

Time Well Spent

Let’s face it, time is all we have—and who knows how much we get, so why not spend some time with a little physical exercise. (GAG, GASP, CHOKE, SPIT, GROAN, CHORTLE, PUKE, WHEEZ, SNORT, COUGH) Now hear me out. The time you spend moving that body of yours will thank you back times ten. It’s …

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Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace

Welcome. We are gathered here today NOT for amusement, but in sorrow. Not in joy.  And laughter.  But in anguish.  And loss. You see, we have come together to pay our respects to a beloved member of the My Odd Sock household, who departed this life twenty-three years young. May we bow our heads as …

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Five Fav–TV Sitcoms

Five Fav–TV Sitcoms

    My Odd Sock routinely avoids the pressing issues of the day…to instead, openly debate the ridiculous. And today, is no exception!   I want to know YOUR five favorite TV sitcoms.  The shows you never missed!  The kind of TV sitcom that caused you to rearrange your social calendar.  (I never had a …

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Halloween Hoopla

Halloween Hoopla

  My Odd Sock salutes Halloween and everything surrounding this spooky “pseudo” holiday!     Here are some observations made in and around the My Odd Sock corporate HQ….     Saw this car parked nearby…     And you thought that bug you hit was a big one!           Next… …

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Brain Drain #15

Brain Drain #15

  Welcome to “Brain Drain #15.” As in the previous 14, this post gives your esteemed author the opportunity to have a brain movement (BM) and purge the cranium of some unwanted and utterly ridiculous thoughts & observations.   Let’s get to it shall we…..     Vote For Me It’s election time and My …

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