Tag: Spasticity

Daddy’s Little Helper

Daddy’s Little Helper

  With multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms and leg tremors are a condition prerequisite…a not-so delightful appetizer before the main course, spasticity. Some people experience the involuntary movement in their arms.  But most (like me) have legs that quiver worse than a chihuahua. Such jumpiness happens at the most inopportune time as well.  Like when you’re …

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Be a Dog (Or a Cat)

Be a Dog (Or a Cat)

  Good morning, sunshine. You have just woken.  Your sleepy eyes still meer slits as daylight peeks through the bedroom windows. Now before you throw over the blankets and put your feet on the floor–do yourself a favor. Take five minutes, while still in bed…..and be a dog (or a cat)!     Dogs (and …

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Texting MS

Texting MS

  Have you ever wanted to tell MS what you really think? Giving Multiple Sclerosis a piece of your mind? (Small children out of ear shot, of course) Well I had that opportunity after stumbling (literally) over MS’s personal number.  Seriously! Here is our texted conversation late one evening (I’m in the blue)… Hope my colorful …

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I’m Tired Of…

I’m Tired Of…

      Here are 50 things I’m tired of…       Johnny Depp Amber Heard Multiple Sclerosis Gerrymandering  Vlad Putin Tom Selleck’s Reverse Mortgage Unopenable Chip Bags Huge Trucks & SUV’s Any of the Kardashians Ear Hair Jussie Smallett Wordle Scores Cornhole Golden State Warriors Derek Chauvin “Stages” of NASCAR Tight Jeans (on …

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Expensive Stuff, Dog

Expensive Stuff, Dog

  Yeah, yeah we’ve heard it all before. The rah-rah hype of some sort of oversight looksie into the high cost of prescription meds. Advocates have called on one for years only to get a whimper of response from those in power. I decided to get off my backside to take a peek at the …

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Some Days

Some Days

  Some days you just wanna bitch to no one in particular. (This is one of those days) Some days I get so tired of doing what I can to hold off the steady grip MS has on my life.  Tired of the exercise & stretching to battle spasticity, only to have it come back …

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Speak To Me

Speak To Me

      Here’s what people (me, mostly) are saying about their MS…..       What would YOU say about your multiple sclerosis?  Tell me with a comment.                                                     …

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My MS Photo Album

My MS Photo Album

  I was looking at a calendar when I realized the date. Time to schedule a prostate exam with the doctor? Well, yes, but that’s not what I was referring to. I remembered it was my MS anniversary.  The date, way back in 1996, when my life changed forever. With that I thought I would …

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My Odd Sock’s MS Face Masks

My Odd Sock’s MS Face Masks

  In the age of personalized everything why not your face mask? (You ARE wearing one, right?) Shop around and you will quickly notice there are NO face masks catering to those of us with multiple sclerosis. That is, till My Odd Sock enters the fray! Here are a few ideas of how a MS …

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Talking Telehealth

Talking Telehealth

  So an upcoming MS check with my specialist will take place via telehealth. My first time.  And I have so many questions! Nothing about MS, mind you.  But about everything else.   First off, what will we talk about? I’m doing fine.  Plugging along. I’m happy with my treatment regimen (Ocrevus for MS, Botox …

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