Tag: Gilenya

Med Mash

Med Mash

  Just how DO they come up with the crazy-ass names for prescription drugs? One must wonder. It’s always some weird consonant/vowel combo that gives your tongue a charlie-horse trying to pronounce them. You got to be a patient AND a linguist. I have a theory.  I believe they put Scrabble tiles in a cup, …

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What’s In A Name

What’s In A Name

  A product’s name is everything. It can fuel its success or drown its failure. That’s why companies spend oodles of money on research and product development to get a name juuuuust right. They gather focus groups.  They  nudge & nitpick for impressions, thoughts & motivations.  They pour over test market results to learn what …

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MS Horoscope

MS Horoscope

      Everyone knows a horoscope is used to forecast futures and a person’s character based on the position of stars & planets at the time of their birth. Yeah, whether or not that is true is a toss-up. Some believe.  Others don’t. But mostly horoscopes are enjoyed for entertainment with a dash of …

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MS A TV Show

MS A TV Show

    Time for some fun with multiple sclerosis! Let’s take a TV show…and add a pinch of MS. This bit was inspired by Margaret, a long-time My Odd Sock reader & fellow MSer.  She even contributed a few programs of her own! Ready to play? Join us as we “MS A TV Show”…..   …

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MS Know-It-All

MS Know-It-All

      Think you’re an MS Know-It-All?   Do you yawn your way through routine visits with your neurologist?   Are you up-to-snuff with all the new fangled treatment options for the ick we call multiple sclerosis?       If so, you are WAY too intelligent for any challenge offered by this website. …

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My Odd Sock’s “Picture This”

My Odd Sock’s “Picture This”

        Welcome to My Odd Sock’s “Picture This.”   It’s the MS-themed game enjoyed by gimps of all ages!   How To Play: “Picture This” is as easy to play as filling out a 1040 long form! My Odd Sock will give you a picture along with three clever (Yeah right) captions. …

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MS Crayons

MS Crayons

        Did you know since the introduction of Crayola crayons way back in 1903, more than two hundred different colors have been produced?   And did you realize NOT ONE of those over two hundred colors have anything to do with multiple sclerosis?   Shame really.     Instead, we have colors …

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Always Sometimes Never

Always Sometimes Never

    Mr. Bollenbacher was funny, quirky and a dead-ringer look-alike for actor Gene Wilder. As a high-school math teacher, there was no one better at his craft.  He was my favorite. It was his tests I dreaded most. Mr. B’s geometry exams challenged our knowledge of theorems with his infamous “Always Sometimes Never” questions.  …

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2011 My Odd Sock MS Senseless Survey

2011 My Odd Sock MS Senseless Survey

  Annually, My Odd Sock conducts a very sophisticated, highly complex study of the latest trends facing those with multiple sclerosis. This year, YOU have been chosen to participate in this mindless survey of ridiculousness.    Using a #3 pencil, please answer each question as it relates to you and your MS.    You may …

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