Tag: Ocrevus

More Things

More Things

  I am sure you have seen this list of often heard gaffs…things not to say to someone with Multiple Sclerosis. You have probably heard a few yourself first-hand. These swallowable snippets are oft-uttered by someone trying to relate.  To make conversation.  And fail miserably. Hey it happens.  We’re humans.  We just don’t know when …

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The Cost of It All

The Cost of It All

  I admit to being a tight-wad. A miser.  Always looking for the value. Mind you, I’m generous with others.  Quick to chip in.  But when it comes to buying something for myself?  I don’t. Impulse buying is nil.  A dressy shirt?…Eh, I have plenty.  Cool shoes?…the ones I’m wearing are just fine.  And at …

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Burned Out

Burned Out

  I feel burned out. Burned out in terms of multiple sclerosis, that is. And I don’t mean being dog-tired of the bummer symptoms.  We’re all in that way! I’m referring to the notion that maybe my MS has run its nasty course. The deed is done.  The worst is over so to speak. The …

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Expensive Stuff, Dog

Expensive Stuff, Dog

  Yeah, yeah we’ve heard it all before. The rah-rah hype of some sort of oversight looksie into the high cost of prescription meds. Advocates have called on one for years only to get a whimper of response from those in power. I decided to get off my backside to take a peek at the …

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MS Commercials

MS Commercials

    It’s a weirdly heavy feeling one gets when watching television with family & friends and a commercial comes on touting the newest prescription drug for MS. Even worse when it’s the medication YOU take! Everyone in the room knows you have MS.   And many know it’s your drug of choice.   Happens to …

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Med Mash

Med Mash

  Just how DO they come up with the crazy-ass names for prescription drugs? One must wonder. It’s always some weird consonant/vowel combo that gives your tongue a charlie-horse trying to pronounce them. You got to be a patient AND a linguist. I have a theory.  I believe they put Scrabble tiles in a cup, …

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The Infusion Room

The Infusion Room

  There were only four of us in the infusion room on this particular day.  Four of us with arms exposed. IV’s in. Drip, drip, dripping away.     All four of us sharing the dreaded ick, multiple sclerosis. But how different each of us were when you really thought about it.   There was …

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Having The Big O

Having The Big O

  After years of abstinence, I must confess I succumbed to temptation. Primal urge too strong to resist. The setting was bright.  And sterile.  But I didn’t care. My mind was made up.  My heart swollen with desire. Today I would be having the big O.   Ocrevus.   Wait, what were you thinking, you filthy …

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I Want Ocrevus!

I Want Ocrevus!

    We have been hearing about this new MS medication in the works for several years. And finally this week, the FDA granted approval for Ocrevus (short for ocrelizumab). Now what? All the high-fives surround Ocrevus because it is the first & only approved treatment for progressive forms of multiple sclerosis.   (That’s my …

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