Tag: Dogs

My New Diet

My New Diet

  It was time to make a change in my diet. For starters, no more blueberry donuts at breakfast.  No more unhealthy snacking throughout the day. I realized I haven’t been myself lately. I had no energy.  No enthusiasm. I was listless.  Plain lazy. I didn’t want to walk.  I didn’t want to play.  Even …

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Be a Dog (Or a Cat)

Be a Dog (Or a Cat)

  Good morning, sunshine. You have just woken.  Your sleepy eyes still meer slits as daylight peeks through the bedroom windows. Now before you throw over the blankets and put your feet on the floor–do yourself a favor. Take five minutes, while still in bed…..and be a dog (or a cat)!     Dogs (and …

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Doggone Silly

Doggone Silly

  As pet owners we go over-the-top for our furry friends. The choices of toys, bedding, even food & treats are overwhelming. The days of a tennis ball, blanket and a bowl of Purina are so passe it is ridiculous. We treat our pets better than some nations care for their people–but that’s a whole …

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Tale Wagging Fun

Tale Wagging Fun

Because I have writer’s block, please plug your nose and enjoy this encore My Odd Sock.   This is Maggie, a three-year old Cockapoo rescued from the shelter by my mother. Weighing just 11 pounds, Maggie is little pooch who gives my Mom big attention.     Maggie is very social, rarely barks and only …

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National Take Your Dog To Work Day

National Take Your Dog To Work Day

    Friday was National Take Your Dog To Work Day all across this great land. A celebrated day when we share the love of our pooches with co-workers, customers & clients. A welcomed day, right? Not so my fellow canine lovers. For there were numerous reports of National Take Your Dog To Work Day …

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Brain Drain #22

Brain Drain #22

    Welcome to “Brain Drain,” the ongoing series of posts where yours truly lets go of some things that have disturbed me.   Since it has been a year since the last Brain Drain, I’ve come to conclude I am mellowing in my old age.  (That and I have been wearing white Rockports lately. …

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Puppy Pound

Puppy Pound

        There comes a time in your life with multiple sclerosis when you raise a white flag to admit defeat.   Something is just too much. Too demanding. You’re in over your head. You’ve bitten off more than you can chew. (Insert your own lame cliche here.)       It could …

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From The Mailbox

From The Mailbox

    Today’s mail contained the usual assortment of bills, magazines, flyers and junk mail. But nestled between the folds, I discovered an advertisement that caused my head to tilt like puzzled canine.       It was an offer from a business called “Pet Lodge USA,” a self-described “hotel for pets.”     Pet …

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Paper Trail

Paper Trail

    Are you comfortable admitting defeat? Do you scratch your enormous, bulbous head and admit you don’t get it like I do?     Isn’t it obvious I’m referring to Cottonelle Toilet Paper’s “Respect The Roll” promotion?   It’s a TV commercial encouraging you to visit the website respecttheroll.com to order your FREE tacky …

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