Puppy Pound

There comes a time in your life with multiple sclerosis when you raise a white flag to admit defeat.
Something is just too much.
Too demanding.
You’re in over your head.
You’ve bitten off more than you can chew.
(Insert your own lame cliche here.)
It could be anything…work, driving, shopping, putting on make-up.
Mine was running (And putting on make-up!)
You just can’t do it without help. And so you lose that bit of independence–and take a hit to your pride.
My Odd Sock had one such occurrence over Thanksgiving weekend.

Friends asked if we would be interested in dog-sitting their four-month-old Labradoodle, Chewie, for a night.
“Of course!” we agreed. Even though my wife & youngest son would also be away. That left my oldest son and I to care for man’s best friend for a total of about 28 hours.
Let me begin by saying “Chewie” was an appropriate name as nothing escaped a dog-slobbering gnaw…hands, feet, shoes, furniture, wicker baskets, even the tips of my canes.
Chewie had an equally active bladder as well, requiring a leashed trip to the yard each hour like clockwork.
If you are scoring at home, he had just three accidents in the house (Heck, that’s only two more than I had myself!)
My son handled all of Chewie’s potty trips–except one. The dog had to go while he was in the shower. I could handle this—or so I thought.
The Westminster Dog Show it was not. Chewie pulled & yanked on his leash while I struggled to maintain my balance on two canes.
Once, twice, three times I almost biffed as the pooch darted here & there.
I was saved by a neighbor who noticed my plight and came over to help get the dog back inside.
It was then that I realized my failure. I can’t even take care of a puppy. Sucks, I thought.
Later that evening, Chewie’s family returned to take him home. Three young boys, each with tears in their eyes, greeted their excited pet with shrieks of joy.
Meanwhile I stood there with tears in MY eyes–sad to see him go…and the realization that Chewie was right where he needed to be.
2 Replies to “Puppy Pound”
I understand and truly empathize. My wife and I gave up dog care many years ago when our beloved Keeshund passed. We now live in a senior apartment building. Our den (where I sit at the computer) looks out over the dog walking path. Many of our neighbors have dogs. Each time I see someone taking their pup out to relieve itself in the cold or blizzard, I see another thing of which I am not capable. The only thing that ms has in common with dogs is that ms is a bit**! Sorry, that’s as close to humor as I can come in this situation.
Wise words.
I’m right with you. I miss having a pooch big time..and knowing I can no longer properly take care of one hurts.
Hang in there buddy.
Thank you for the truth in your comment.