Tag: Diagnosis

Dreadfully Awful

Dreadfully Awful

    I just finished taking a cycle of the commonly-prescribed oral steroid, Prednisone. Whether you have MS, a myriad of other health conditions or simply trying to boost your home run total, you are well aware of what I am about to say.       How do these tiny, tiny pills…smaller than mini …

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Sock Flop

Sock Flop

  Stockinged feet have long been my preferred way to pad around the house. They’re quick to put on, carefree & comfortable. Clad only in socks, my feet would move from room to room with dancer’s grace. No matter the surface.  From the plushness of carpet…to smooth hardwood…to cool tile, my feet were happy everywhere …

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I’m Sorry

I’m Sorry

  I apologize.  A lot. Sometimes I blame my quick expression of regret on my lack of self-confidence.   I probably screwed something up, so it is just easier to apologize, accept the blame & move on…..till the next goof-up (‘cuz there will be more!).   But other times I blame multiple sclerosis for my short …

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My 25th MS Anniversary

My 25th MS Anniversary

  Are you curious as to why I am celebrating? It’s because September marks my 25th MS anniversary! Hol-ee crap.  A quarter century.  I haven’t been this happy since I stepped on a nail. It was early September of 1996, when during a routine physical, my family doctor said “I think you have multiple sclerosis.” …

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MS Commercials

MS Commercials

    It’s a weirdly heavy feeling one gets when watching television with family & friends and a commercial comes on touting the newest prescription drug for MS. Even worse when it’s the medication YOU take! Everyone in the room knows you have MS.   And many know it’s your drug of choice.   Happens to …

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MS Health Assessment

MS Health Assessment

  As one with multiple sclerosis, you may be familiar with the pre-appointment health assessment. It’s basically a series of questions about your current condition, mood, symptoms, lifestyle…stuff like that. The health assessment gives your caregiver a better understanding of where you are as a patient, how you are coping with your condition and alerts …

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MS: By The Numbers

MS: By The Numbers

  Ever wonder whose job it is to compile those seemingly mindless sports statistics?  On-base-percentage of lefties vs righties on overcast days in April?  Odds of first-down during a defensive blitz by a running back with a reverse mortgage?   Multiple sclerosis is no different.  There are boo-coo figures on every aspect of MS.  And …

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As The Myelin Fades Episode #3

As The Myelin Fades Episode #3

  Sappy music and sounds of people losing their lunch can mean only one thing. Another sad commercial from Sarah McLachlan & the ASPCA? No, but close. It means time for episode #3 on the only (thank God) soap opera created for those with multiple sclerosis (thank God again).     This is…..”As The Myelin …

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My MS Photo Album

My MS Photo Album

  I was looking at a calendar when I realized the date. Time to schedule a prostate exam with the doctor? Well, yes, but that’s not what I was referring to. I remembered it was my MS anniversary.  The date, way back in 1996, when my life changed forever. With that I thought I would …

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The Infusion Room

The Infusion Room

  There were only four of us in the infusion room on this particular day.  Four of us with arms exposed. IV’s in. Drip, drip, dripping away.     All four of us sharing the dreaded ick, multiple sclerosis. But how different each of us were when you really thought about it.   There was …

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