Tag: Wheelchair

My MS Photo Album

My MS Photo Album

  I was looking at a calendar when I realized the date. Time to schedule a prostate exam with the doctor? Well, yes, but that’s not what I was referring to. I remembered it was my MS anniversary.  The date, way back in 1996, when my life changed forever. With that I thought I would …

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I Am Different

I Am Different

  It pains me to admit since my MS diagnosis in ’96—-I am different. REALLY?  How did you come to that conclusion, Einstein?  Was it the wheelchair?  Rollator?  Hand controls on your car?  Or was it the half dozen canes scattered throughout the house & garage? No no no, of course I am different physically…heavier, flabbier, …

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Helping Hands

Helping Hands

It doesn’t take much to make a difference. One small act of kindness. But on this particular day who was helping whom?   It was a typical hot & humid, dog-day of summer…and I was panting. I eased the car into a spot at the grocery store and began unfolding my limp body from the …

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The Checkout Lane

The Checkout Lane

  There was the usual chaos at the local Walmart that morning.  Five registers were humming along while four hundred customers waited to check out. I was one of them. I only had a single item, cane tips, for $1.76.  Because there was no express lane, I settled in line amongst the fray.  It didn’t …

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The Mueller Report of MS

The Mueller Report of MS

  Unless you have been living in a cave the past couple years, everyone is familiar with the ongoing investigation by Robert Mueller. Well, finally the nearly 400 page report has been completed.  Although it claims no collusion—it DID cite many examples relating to multiple sclerosis. Here are some of the interesting results found in …

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A Different Perspective

A Different Perspective

Sometimes you need to take a moment to see where you are. Take in your situation. Realize how lucky you have it. Because there is always someone worse. Recent events changed the party theme for me as I tumbled down our stairs and broke my right collarbone. (Also broke the index finger on my left …

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The Scary Stuff of MS

The Scary Stuff of MS

Please enjoy this look back at this old My Odd Sock from 2011…..   Thinking back to the day of your MS diagnosis, you may recall the fanatically-frightened thought pattern of your brain. A whirlwind of what-ifs, how’s thats and it-can’t-be’s. Heart pounding mental images of canes, walkers and wheelchairs, oh my! It was the …

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My Chair With Wheels

My Chair With Wheels

 Please enjoy this old My Odd Sock “instant replay.”  I’m stuck for a new idea!      The wheelchair. Long associated with the weak. The feeble. And the disabled.         The old, shiny-metal designs accentuated a feeling of stale, medically induced flavor. Scary and intimidating.  No doubt.   Maybe that’s why so …

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MS Has Taught Me…

MS Has Taught Me…

    Lessons? There is plenty to learn when you have multiple sclerosis. Here are just some of the valuable things MS has taught me.   MS has taught me…   …how to spell sclerosis, spasticity & exacerbation. …how to quickly reach my health insurance deductible. …how falling in grass is softer than the floor. …

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MS Skills

MS Skills

Because I’m feeling a bit lazy, here is something I wrote for the M.S.A.A. blog.  Enjoy.   It is difficult to accept when multiple sclerosis steals your ability to work. A lifetime of training and talent gone.  Poof. I know it was for me after giving over twenty years of sweat & soul in radio …

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