Tag: Walking

Shecky Tremble (MS comedian)

Shecky Tremble (MS comedian)

  NOTE:  For the first time since this blog began in 2009, My Odd Sock hands over the reigns to the up & coming MS comedian, Shecky Tremble. The following is a transcript of Shecky’s recent performance at Gimp’s Comedy Club.  Let the show begin…..   Emcee:  “Welcome everyone to Gimps Comedy Club.  We have …

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Agony of Da Feet

Agony of Da Feet

    This post has been rated “G” for gross by the American Podiatry Association. What the heck is going on with my feet?  (Maybe yours too?) Having multiple sclerosis, the number of steps I take in a day barely exceeds double-digits.  Yet my feet look as though I run several marathons a week. Take …

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My Odd Sock’s MS Confessional

My Odd Sock’s MS Confessional

      Sometimes I fail to do the right things for multiple sclerosis.   Now is the time to enter the booth and admit my wrongs.     Forgive me doctor for I have stumbled (Sorry, no pun intended).   I have been in conversation with a familiar person while being unable to recall …

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I Can’t Wear Pants!

I Can’t Wear Pants!

    Fall is my favorite season. Leaves & their vibrant colors are beauty in nature. While the dip in temperature makes my body feel alive. Unfortunately the thermometer is dipping so much it will soon dreadfully change the way I dress.   You see I prefer to wear shorts.  My season of shorts is …

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MS Pie Charts

MS Pie Charts

    I love pie charts.  And I love pie.  Though not necessarily in that order. Pie charts are a fantastic way to present useful information. Or in this case, nonsensical info relating to our beloved multiple sclerosis. Take a peek at these pie charts and maybe you will come away with a smile. Enjoy… …

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Dear Sir

Dear Sir

        The following is a letter to the man I spoke with last week.           Dear Sir, Not sure if you remember me, but I was the guy with two canes slowly shuffling on the school track . I remember you as you described a recent heart attack …

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Super Slo-Mo

Super Slo-Mo

  Things are moving slowly these days. Especially when you include my feet. It feels as though I am moving through molasses.  Like the world is covered with the scratchy side of velcro–and my feet are soft & fuzzy.  (They truly ARE soft & fuzzy.)     Foot drop in both tootsies doesn’t help matters. …

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Surface Tension

Surface Tension

Surface tension is defined as the tendency of the surface of a liquid to resist an external force. In Odd Sock’s world, that means we can’t walk on water because the weight of our big butt is more than the water surface can support. But in the world of multiple sclerosis, surface tension is a …

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Walk This Way

Walk This Way

      Whaat?   A guy with multiple sclerosis is gonna talk to ME about walking? That’s laughable. Next, you’ll tell me a heart patient is talking about snow shoveling….a diabetic who’s making cupcakes….or a chemo patient chatting about hair growth.   All kidding aside, My Odd Sock, accompanied by his two sidekick canes, wanted …

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On The Double

On The Double

        In baseball, we have the double play.           There’s the double dip ice cream cone.             We have my favorite gum “Dubble Bubble.”           And today, My Odd Sock “gimps” with…..     ….double canes!         …

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