Tag: depression

Quit Your Belly-Aching

Quit Your Belly-Aching

If you don’t mind, I gotta get something off my chest. It’s been bothering me for some time now, so maybe it gets your knickers in a twist as well. Fact is, I have multiple sclerosis.  You probably have MS too. Either that or you have some other gimpy malady that lumps you in with …

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Would You Or Wouldn’t You?

Would You Or Wouldn’t You?

Medical marijuana is today’s big health debate. Experts struggle over the treatment benefits. States grapple with legality issues. While our representatives in D.C. fuss over their reelection campaigns. Fourteen states already offer medical marijuana as a viable treatment option for numerous medical conditions, including MS. Meanwhile, other states are working to put the issue before …

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Spirit Booster

Spirit Booster

There is no doubt about it—multiple sclerosis can dish out some pretty heavy licks to a person physically, but I believe the mental aspects of the disease are just as severe. MS crushes confidence. It strips a person’s self-worth like a putty knife on wallpaper. Multiple sclerosis attacks your “will” until it becomes a “won’t.” …

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MS Sweet Tweets

MS Sweet Tweets

Are you on Twitter? Do you “tweet?” Me neither.  But maybe we should because Twitter is perfect for those of us with multiple sclerosis! Perfect for the reason…a message on Twitter is limited to just 140 characters. That’s an ideal size for MSers. Any larger and we would forget what we wrote the line before…Any …

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Absence Of Knowledge

Absence Of Knowledge

    Reading about last week’s death of Annette Funicello, a long-time sufferer of multiple sclerosis, I uncovered a quote by hear I found to be interesting. The article stated when Funicello was finally diagnosed, she recalled…”I knew nothing about MS, and you are afraid of the unknown.  I plowed into books.”   Thinking about …

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March MS Awareness Month Madness

March MS Awareness Month Madness

  I’m going to phone this one in and re-run an older My Odd Sock.  (You probably forgot about this one anyway!)    The month of March is widely recognized for two exciting events. March is not only known for being “MS Awareness Month, but also the time of year for the NCAA basketball Championships. …

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Impressed Or Depressed

Impressed Or Depressed

      Melancholy describes my feelings while flipping through a university alumni magazine. It’s cool to read up on all the changes taking place on the ol’ stomping ground of higher learning. But it can also be depressing as all heck.     Because with all the exciting things happening around campus, comes positive …

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Walk This Way

Walk This Way

      Whaat?   A guy with multiple sclerosis is gonna talk to ME about walking? That’s laughable. Next, you’ll tell me a heart patient is talking about snow shoveling….a diabetic who’s making cupcakes….or a chemo patient chatting about hair growth.   All kidding aside, My Odd Sock, accompanied by his two sidekick canes, wanted …

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A Fine Line

A Fine Line

  Everything in life is a fine line. Too much can be just as hard for you as too little. Your goal is to find the happy median.   So you go through life like a tightrope walker, carrying that big pole to help you balance and wearing those silly slippers they wear.   I’ve …

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