Tag: Congress

Caption This

Caption This

    It has been said a picture is worth a thousand words. Well we’re gonna find out! In “Caption This” I will give you a picture and three possible explanations. Your job, besides staying awake through this lame bit, is choosing the best description of the picture.   Let’s begin…..   Does this picture …

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Super Slo-Mo

Super Slo-Mo

  Things are moving slowly these days. Especially when you include my feet. It feels as though I am moving through molasses.  Like the world is covered with the scratchy side of velcro–and my feet are soft & fuzzy.  (They truly ARE soft & fuzzy.)     Foot drop in both tootsies doesn’t help matters. …

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Running On Fumes

Running On Fumes

You don’t know what it is, but lately you’ve been pooped. More pooped than usual. Listless. Groggy. You’ve gotten less done than Congress. Like being stuck in traffic on a New Jersey bridge. No Mo-Jo in your Go-Go. What’s the dealio, right? Believe me, I can relate. The last few weeks, I feel as though …

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One For The Ages

One For The Ages

“You go ahead, I’m winded” I said to those watching me attempt to blow out the candles. The heat rising from the cake was enough to singe the hair growing in my ears. Birthdays are inconsequential to me.  Just numbers really.  So I don’t care when mine comes around. As a kid, birthdays are a …

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MS Hall Of Fame

MS Hall Of Fame

An MS Hall of Fame, why didn’t we think of this before?  Oh, that’s right–we probably did, but forgot. Every sport has its own hall of fame to immortalize heroes of the past. Every genre of music also has its own hall of fame to honor the greats. So I’m thinking we need a Hall …

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Side Effects May Include

Side Effects May Include

    Soo many drugs.  Soo many possible side effects. One has to laugh when watching any one of the prescription drug commercials on TV.  It consists of twenty seconds of info about the drug…followed by forty seconds of the most gruesome side effects you’ll ever hear!  (Is this a drug commercial or an experiment …

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Unfashionably Disabled

Unfashionably Disabled

      T-shirt. Check. Pull-on shorts. Check.   I’m ready to roll.  Literally.       With MS, one must dress for comfort.  As well as a quick disrobe when nature calls faster than it takes to unbutton & unzip!     I try not to dress like a fashion train-wreck. But I know …

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