Tag: Internet

Award Whining

Award Whining

Nominations for the EMMY Awards were announced this week and like most awards, My Odd Sock was snubbed once again. (I can’t even win a scratch-off lottery tix.) But lo & behold about a month ago, I received an email from the founder of “Feedspot” saying My Odd Sock had been selected as one of …

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My Odd Sock #300

My Odd Sock #300

      Welcome to a very special My Odd Sock!     Who would have guessed when this dimly-lit, waste of Internet band-width first posted back in July of ’09, it would still be around 300 posts later! Yes, this is My Odd Sock’s 300th Celebration Retrospect!…a look back at the best (and mostly …

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MS Texting Shortcuts

MS Texting Shortcuts

      Today, texting has become a popular vehicle of communication. People of all ages use texting, rather than calling, as their preferred choice of sharing information.   Texting has spawned a whole new, Internet language of word & phrase shorthand to aid in rapid conversation.   Not to be left out, those of …

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You’ve Got Forwarded Mail

You’ve Got Forwarded Mail

  Most email messages aren’t worth the mouse click to send them—OR, the mouse click to delete them. Take for instance the popular “If you believe this message, please forward to everyone you know.”  And if you don’t believe “just delete it and be scorned the rest of your life–you worthless piece of maggot dung.” …

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