Up & Down

What is it?
Is it me?
The weather?
Something I ate?
Something I didn’t?
Or, is it just plain MS?
I haven’t a clue what is causing mood swings lately.
Upbeat for a few days…followed by a few dark, sour ones.
I place much of the blame-game on multiple sclerosis. The cycle seems to ride like a tandem bike!
With MS, you are good for a day, week, month (even years for some) and then suddenly all heck breaks loose.
What gives? And who is at fault?

When I’m up, everything is going well.
Eating right.
Reasonably productive. Getting things done.
Eating right.
Exercising. Stretching. Writing.
Content with myself, my being & all that is involved in life with a chronic disease.

But whoa…during the down moods, dark clouds circle the drain like soap suds in the bathtub.
“Nothing matters,” I mutter to myself as workouts suffer, writing sucks, energy plummets and I eat as though I’m Augustus Gloop of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”
It is also when my MS worsens.
Spasticity tightens. Drowsiness sets in. While my feet & hands work like they are stuck in a vat of lard.
Are the bad moods & MS one in the same? Hmm, sure seems as though.
One feeding the other feeding the other that feeds the other. (Redundant for dramatic effect)
A food chain of your spirit if you will.
“Stay positive,” they say. Which is easier said than done at times. (Ever try crawling up a mound of marbles?)
But it is what we must strive to do.
Life is a long series of ups & downs. Some moehills. Some mountains. Peaks & valleys.
And it is up to us not to get car-sick during the journey.
Stay up, my friend.
One Reply to “Up & Down”
I love the look of the new website. My only suggestion would be a “Home Key”, or something to make it easier to go back and forth on the website.