MS Class of 1996

Throughout the land people young & old are donning caps & gowns in celebration of their hard work & achievements.
It’s graduation season, where hungry minds look ahead, plying their knowledge to challenges & future opportunity.
It has me thinking back to my own days as a young grad.
The year was 1996.
I was 33 years old when I confidently strode across the stage to receive my diagnosis—multiple sclerosis.
Made my family proud, I did.

Aw, here I am on my special day.
All dapper & handsome.
You couldn’t even tell I had MS back then.
Smiling, but nervous.
Who knew what the future would hold?

Here’s the MS Class of 1996 photo.
We were a spirited bunch back then.
Our class motto was “96 take Your Pix!”
I still remember some of my classmates…..

There was my buddy, Tom.
He & I would challenge each other to the nine-hole peg test.
Tom was fast. And he never dropped a peg. I accused him of cheating by using stick’em on his fingers!

Peggy was in my class.
She was voted “Cutest Foot Drop.”
She was also busy with the “Infusion Club.”
(That explains why she always had bandages on her arm!)

Livia was a “96er.”
She was cool.
But because Livia was dx’d as chronic-progressive—she kinda thought she was better than the rest of us relapsing-remitters.

Chet was another buddy of mine in the MS Class of 1996.
He was a real over-achiever…President of Scooter Society.
Active in Spasticity Club.
And winner of the “Bowel & Bladder Bowl.”

Sarah also got MS in 1996.
I always had a crush on her.
In fact, I asked Sarah to the big MS dance our Senior Year.
Here’s a picture of my “Prom-Posal”…..

Here’s Lisa, the class clown.
No one could wall-walk like her!
All goofing around aside, Lisa was a big part of the Rollator Precision Drill Team.

I hear these days, she’s a well-known MRI Interior Designer.

Oh that’s Tom again reminding me this bit has gone on too long.
Yep, we are members of the “MS Class of 1996.”
To all 2017 grads, we say “Don’t worry. Keep smiling. And Keep moving.”