Mobility Go-Ability
There has been….
Ford vs. Chevy
Pepsi vs. Coke
Ali vs. Frazier
But today, we have…..
The “Thrilla of Mobila”
The Battle of Wheels and Steel!
Rollator vs. Wheelchair (echo..”chair chair”)
OK, maybe it’s not as hyped as Ali vs. Frazier, but MSer’s who need mobility aids to “keep on truckin” DO have their preferences.
Just as some folks prefer Ford and others prefer Chevy, there are people who would rather use a wheelchair over a rollator. But unlike the automotive rivals—you’ll never see a cartoon like this……
Personally, I’ll pick my wheelchair 99% of the time.
In the driver’s seat of my “chair” (there’s only 1 seat), I can maneuver like a Formula One driver! Left. Right. In. Out. Speed up. Brake hard.
Using a wheelchair, I feel less…..less disabled I suppose–as ironic as that sounds!
Walking with my cane or a rollator, I am still lurching & rolling worse than the S.S. Minnow on a 3 hour tour. Not to mention the fatigue factor. Walking with a rollator drains my “energy tank” similar to an SUV.

One Reply to “Mobility Go-Ability”
LMAO, I have them all as well, and they all have a very useful purpose in MS life. I agree on the fatigue being an issue, as well as the usefulness of a rollator seat. But, I still like my WalkEasy crutches for the versatility…even with fatigue. But, I like that tricked out chair now, that sure beats the POS I have for those long trips.