Tag: Valentine’s Day

Candy Hearts

Candy Hearts

Enjoy this sweet treat of a past My Odd Sock…..     Everyone adores the little candy hearts so popular this time of year. In fact, Neeco, the world’s renowned Sweetheart manufacturer, has been making them & sharing love since 1902! The touching phrases found on each heart have changed over the years, but they …

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Valentine Gift Ideas

Valentine Gift Ideas

      Valentine’s Day is upon us once again. Not so much a Hallmark holiday, thus you kind of feel the need to make an effort to surprise your loved ones with something special. But what, you ask.   Problem solved as My Odd Sock has been browsing the ads for the absolute token …

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So How Did You Meet?

So How Did You Meet?

        It’s Valentines Week as My Odd Sock takes a tongue-N-cheek look at his relationship.         Interviewer-   So when and how did you two meet? My Odd Sock-   It was back in the spring of ’96.  Just passing glances for quite a while.  You know, like when you see …

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Flakey Way To Riches

Flakey Way To Riches

    Every once in a while you hear of someone selling a potato chip in the shape of Bob Barker, the Virgin Mary or some other iconic figure for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.   Well, because My Odd Sock isn’t above ways to make a quick buck (and you thought otherwise), I …

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Happy Valentine’s Day–My Odd Sock Style

Happy Valentine’s Day–My Odd Sock Style

  My wife despises the cheap, heart-shaped boxes of candy with the plastic flowers on the lid.  So, our first Valentine’s Day as a dating couple, I gave her a box.  But I removed the chocolates and replaced them with carrots.                                               *     *     *      *      *      * A friend worked as a cashier in …

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