Tag: Shampoo

23 & Me

23 & Me

    From the title you may think this post is about the popular DNA genetic testing company, 23andMe. Well, wrong you are my friend. (Although personally this subject matter is equally as complicated.)     You see in THEIR world, the number 23 refers to the 23-pairs of chromosomes in human DNA.  The genetic …

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Hit The Shower

Hit The Shower

Time to clean-up with this older My Odd Sock sudsy post.  Enjoy!     There’s nothing new about taking a shower. Most of us go through this routine process nearly every day.  (Once a week for me.) Yet lately I have felt stranger in the shower. A closed-in feeling of claustrophobia. Between walls of fiberglass …

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Unwanted House Guests

Unwanted House Guests

    I haven’t found them yet.  But I know they are here. Wherever they are….they’re silent. They haven’t touched any of the food in the fridge…so who knows WHAT they are eating. Same with the drinks.  None missing. I haven’t noticed an increase in dirty laundry.  Haven’t heard the toilets flushing, but I know …

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