Tag: Red Bull

Going With The Flow

Going With The Flow

One cannot anticipate the unpredictability of MS. When you ying, it yangs.  Go left, it goes right. Yep, multiple sclerosis has a mind of its own.  And you can’t change it no matter what. So you better have a contingency plan. That’s what happened last week while doing some much needed weeding of the flower …

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Morning Jitters

Morning Jitters

    Are you tired of the same-old same-old morning cup of coffee & glass of juice? Do you wish you could start your day with a beverage that combines the caffeine of coffee, the vitamins of juice and the sugary goodness of a Mountain Dew? Hmmm, me too.     Well perk-up mopey Mike …

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Breaking The Code

Breaking The Code

      I must have missed the meeting explaining the purpose of the secret, hieroglyphic whatchamacallits I find everywhere these days. Turns out they are not “hieroglyphic whatchamacallits” after all–but are QR Codes.       Short for “Quick Response,” the QR Code is a jacked-up two-dimensional matrix barcode when compared to the wimpy, …

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My ride at the aMuSement park.

My ride at the aMuSement park.

  “Enjoy your day at Cedar Point,” said the cheery ticket taker. I planned to!  It had been over 20 years since my last visit, so today I was going to be a thrill seeker maniac!     Just past the opening gate was my first coaster challenge…the Raptor.  Sounds nice, I thought.  Named for …

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Brain Drain #13

Brain Drain #13

  It’s time once again for “Brain Drain.” Time to open the pressure valve of My Odd Sock’s melon-head and let loose with some oddball subject matter. Buckle your seat belt and let’s open the floodgates like a Louisiana levee.  Off we go……       Proof of Purchase Waistline’s aren’t the only things getter …

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