Tag: Prednisone

Dreadfully Awful

Dreadfully Awful

    I just finished taking a cycle of the commonly-prescribed oral steroid, Prednisone. Whether you have MS, a myriad of other health conditions or simply trying to boost your home run total, you are well aware of what I am about to say.       How do these tiny, tiny pills…smaller than mini …

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Periodic Table Of Elements Of MS

Periodic Table Of Elements Of MS

  If you have followed this lowly website for any length of time…first, I apologize…and second, you know I get geeked by science. I love all aspects of science and what it means to life & the world around us.     That being said, you probably haven’t given much thought about the Periodic Table …

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Side Effects May Include

Side Effects May Include

    Soo many drugs.  Soo many possible side effects. One has to laugh when watching any one of the prescription drug commercials on TV.  It consists of twenty seconds of info about the drug…followed by forty seconds of the most gruesome side effects you’ll ever hear!  (Is this a drug commercial or an experiment …

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