Tag: Diet

My New Diet

My New Diet

  It was time to make a change in my diet. For starters, no more blueberry donuts at breakfast.  No more unhealthy snacking throughout the day. I realized I haven’t been myself lately. I had no energy.  No enthusiasm. I was listless.  Plain lazy. I didn’t want to walk.  I didn’t want to play.  Even …

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Resolutions Really?

Resolutions Really?

    Happy 2019 to you! What would be the lamest idea for the first post of the new year? Resolutions, of course. Honestly I don’t make new years resolutions.  And neither should you. Here’s why. Resolutions are a waste of time & energy because they are rarely achieved and meant to be broken.   …

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MS: How Much Do You Know?

MS: How Much Do You Know?

  So you are patting yourself on the back for your knowledge of multiple sclerosis, huh? You have read the research. Visited the websites. Books, journals, studys, ect ect. You know so much about multiple sclerosis YOU should be wearing a white coat.   But before we start calling you “Doc”, it’s time to test …

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Belly Up

Belly Up

  Congratulations!  You have multiple sclerosis!   As a member to our exclusive club, you’ll get an ID card, learn the secret MS handshake (it’s no secret, just stick out your hand and it shakes by itself!), and enjoy thrice weekly mailings by charities looking for donations!     You celebrate your new achievement by …

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Eating All Wrong!

Eating All Wrong!

  What the hell happened? Have I been asleep in a baclofen-induced coma? When did this change?  And why didn’t anyone tell me?         All my life I have been following the food groups pyramid featuring a solid foundation of breads & grains…followed by numerous servings of fruits & vegetables…a 3rd level …

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