Big Deal Little Deal No Deal

You are faced with challenges each & every day.
And having multiple sclerosis only adds to that fact.
Therefore, every day it’s your job to figure out how to deal with those challenges.
To make it easier, My Odd Sock has turned it into a game!
I’ll provide the situation…then you decide if it is a big deal, little deal or no deal at all.
Let’s play…..

You have to go to the bathroom.
Not just go.
You are busting.
With little time to spare, you try to lower your sweatpants (because that’s all we wear) only to realize there is a knot in the drawstring.
Big Deal? Little Deal? No Deal?
* * * * *

You haven’t weighed yourself all winter.
Now that spring is here, you decide to get on the scale—a scale that seems to mock you!
Yeah its gross, b-bu-but you don’t have to rub it in, a-hole!
Big Deal? Little Deal? No Deal?
* * * * *

You have MS fatigue. And can doze off practically anywhere…at the dinner table, at church, the library, movie theater, riding in a car, watching television, you name it!
Just give it a couple of minutes and soon your chin is resting on your chest. Your head flopping, bouncing, weaving back & forth.
You can sleep anywhere, anytime…until you go to bed.
Then you are wide awake!
Big Deal? Little Deal? No Deal?
* * * * *

You know this one.
You are shopping. About to park in the disabled spot…but there is no room as the disabled spot doubles at the shopping cart corral (Well, it IS convenient).
Big Deal? Little Deal? No Deal?
* * * * *

If you have MS and/or mobility issues, you might be an active wall-walker.
You know, using the wall as a place to put your hand for balance as you move through a room.
Problem is, over time, too much wall-walking leads to dirty handprints.
I’m so bad with it, I should wear gloves!
Wall-walking….Big Deal? Little Deal? No Deal?
* * * * *

It’s time for your MRI. And lucky you, time to be harnessed in the Hannibal Lecter head-cage.
But during your scan, you begin to feel a familiar tickle. A tickle deep within your sinuses. You are supposed to keep your head still, but you know a sneeze is building. Not just any sneeze–but a Mt. St. Helens of a sneeze.
Big Deal? Little Deal? No Deal?
* * * * *

The candy jar is nearly empty.
But all you have to refill it with are those hard, minty balls.
The kind of candy only loved by grandparents.
Big Deal? Little Deal? No Deal?
* * * * *

This is my own personal dilemma.
My forehead is expanding–and it bothers me.
So I started using this shampoo.
Oh it’s working. Working wonders!
I’m growing hair everywhere except where I want it!
Big Deal? Little Deal? No Deal?
* * * * *
Well, I hope you have enjoyed playing (There are no right or wrong answers).
If you have a situation to share, please do with a comment.
Till next time.
2 Replies to “Big Deal Little Deal No Deal”
Bwaahaaha!! No big deal! Life is a comedy of errors!!
I remember a time when a family friend who had MS fell down at a party in my parents backyard. As everyone stood there looking he said “the night sky is beautiful from this angle. Several people joined him on the ground to enjoy his perspective. It all how you look at it.
You got that right. Thanks for sharing your insight!