Grocery Goofs

It has the title “Grocery Goofs” because this post is nothing more than me rolling through a grocery store poking fun at items on the shelf.
And that is WAY shorter than calling it “Me Rolling Through a Grocery Store Poking Fun at Items on The Shelf.”
Grab a cart and let’s go shopping. You push…

Sitting side-by-side on the shelf, Mrs. Butterworth’s & Aunt Jemima tolerate one another, but that doesn’t mean they like each other.

Who would have guessed Buzz Lightyear wore Pull-Ups?
“Defender of the Universe” has bladder issues.

Huh, “dill weed” was also my nickname in Jr. High.

Quite possibly the dumbest name for a brand of coffee.
Shouldn’t it be “Chock full o’ (coffee) Beans?”
No wonder everyone switched to a Keurig.

Tell me this product doesn’t have self-esteem issues.
It’s a nut. It’s a flake. It’s unsweetened and organic.
Plus, oh how I love sulfites in my coconut flakes!

For people who haven’t mastered use of the measuring cup.
God help us.

“Extra Virgin”–this Olive Oil isn’t even old enough to date.
Lid so tight good luck getting it opened.

Because real fruit has such inconvenient, awkward shapes.

From the package I assume this product doesn’t need any meat added since the glove guy is missing a finger.

Finally, what is with Charmin’s obsession with bears?
Could a whole marketing campaign be based on the adage “Does a bear sh** in the woods?”
Really? I’m baffled.
It has been fun going up & down each aisle. Looking. Taking pictures. Not buying a single thing. I am surprised I wasn’t searched by security. At least not THIS time. No wonder I’m not allowed to go to the store with my wife.
I’ll be in the car. Meantime, keep moving.
4 Replies to “Grocery Goofs”
I hope when you were out, you picked up something for that itchy rash. #cooties
Thank you for your comment & thanks for your concern of my skin condition.
I have to agree with all this nonsense. I too, do not understand the “bear using toilet paper” What’s next? Thanks for the smile as always 🤗
Thank you Joanne! You should begin to worry if you are thinking like me.