Fifth-Grade Frolic

The treasures one finds and the memories dredged up when digging through boxes.
A recent excavation uncovered my school yearbook & grade card from the fifth-grade.
Join me as we go back in time, won’t you…..

Ah, Centennial Elementary, where I was basically a warm ass in a wood seat for four years. (3rd thru 6th grade)
As students we thought Centennial was better served as a miminum-security prison.
But today, as an alumus, I realize it was a pretty good place to hang & learn.

That’s me next to the teacher, Mrs. Nagel.
(I learned to brown-nose at a young age)
She was one of my favorite teachers.
The kid next to me was Neil Armstrong.
He was not related to the astronaut.

My athletic prowess was honed to a fine edge while at Centennial.
Here I am getting whipped at tetherball by a girl. Notice she is in short-sleeves while I am wearing a jacket & stocking cap. I was grunge before grunge was cool.
My vertical leap was measured in centimeters.
I have the same body-posture & facial expression when I have to pee.

So much for athletics, let’s head back into the classroom.
Here are my grades for the year in reading.
Wow, really setting a high standard here.
Poised to be an Ivy leaguer…..poison ivy.
How does one get “C’s” in reading? I like to read. Think I’ll ask for a do-over!

All of that lack-luster work in the classroom earned me the distinction as a McDonal’s Scholar. (Sad, right?)
The only qualification to be a McDonald’s Scholar was the ability to eat a Quarter-Pounder.
Mind you…the company spokesman is a clown—how difficult can it be as a McDonald’s Scholar!

Here is a comment from Mrs. Nagel.
The poor lady had terrible dementia.
She was probably referring to Neil Armstrong.

Finally, here is a comment from a fellow student.
Prety much sums up my contribution & success as a fifth-grader.
(And yes, I was “promoted” to 6th grade!)
Memories. Share yours in a comment.
3 Replies to “Fifth-Grade Frolic”
Mrs. Nagal looks exactly like my sixth-grade teacher, Mrs. Resnick, and my wife’s sixth-grade teacher, Mrs. Frosch. It’s like there was a Clone Trooper army of sixth-grade teachers back then, all wearing practical beehives and equipped with blaster rifles.
My fifth grade teacher was Mrs. Breslin, Hendricks Avenue Elementary. The only thing I remember about fifth grade, is that was the year my grandmother passed away, and I remember one of my Mother’s friends, Mrs. Safer, coming and getting my sister and I out of school early that day. I too still have all my elementary school report cards in a box. I actually rode past my old elementary school last Wednesday, it is on the way to my Neurologist.
Dave & Margaret,
Yes siree…Mrs Nagel, Mrs Resnick & Mrs Breslin were all from the same teacher mold.
Bless them all for putting up with our shenanigans.
Thanks for your comments!