My Odd Sock’s Shopping List

My Odd Sock’s Shopping List


It's double coupons!
It’s double coupons!



The pantry is bare so time to go to the store for yours truly.


Join me as we shop the day away in search of everything odd on the shelves at your local grocery store.


Grab a cart while I park the car and I’ll meet you in the juice aisle….





Good to the last drop.
Good to the last drop.



Nothing like starting the day with a tall glass of juice!

Let’s see, we have orange juice, strawberry-banana, pineapple, tomato….but….Clam juice?

From the makers of Gatorade!

Mmmm, high in vitamin yuk!

Make sure you get the pulp free.




What wine goes with Lumpfish?
What wine goes with Lumpfish?

What goes with Clam juice?

Why Black Lumpfish, of course!


Is it just me or is there anything remotely appetizing about the name…Black Lumpfish?

Why not something called Bloated Dead Carp?  Or, Slimy Skank Tuna?


I think I just lost my appetite for seafood!

Let’s head on over to the next aisle…



Baba Ganoush, have you any wool?
Baba Ganoush, have you any wool?


…to get some BaBa Ganoush.


I have no idea what this is, it’s just fun to say BaBa Ganoush!

BaBa Ganoush!

That man just stole my wallet, come back here you BaBa Ganoush!


What else in on the list?….




Cheese for the stupid.
Cheese for the stupid.


For those who have difficulty with real cheese, thank goodness for…Easy Cheese!


Yes, forget the messy grater.  Put away the sharp knife.

And just squirt your favorite cheese!


It’s cheese in a convenient aerosol can!  

The easy way to get heart disease and deplete the Ozone in one simple step!


Hungry for a sweet treat?….



The safari never tasted this good.
The safari never tasted this good.


…How about a Zebra Cake?


Leave it to Little Debbie to turn one of God’s beautiful creatures into a snack cake.

Wonder how many treats Debbie can make from one zebra?

Zebra Cakes ARE delicious, but I believe I found a bit of hoove in mine.




If you think that’s bad….how about poor Elmo……


Good as a side for roast Big Bird.
Good as a side for roast Big Bird.



His puppeteer was accused of sexual abuse…leaving poor Elmo to be pureed into a soup stock.





Finally, last on the shopping list…..



Doc, I think I need an ointment.
Doc, I think I need an ointment.


Yep, this is an actual product for sale on the shelf.


I’m not eating ANYTHING that sounds like something you should see a doctor about.

More Dick?

No thanks, I couldn’t swallow another bite.




Well, our shopping is done.  Time to check out.

Luckily with only seven items, we can hit the express lane.

Crap, I forgot the coupons!

Oh well.







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