I Recover A Black Box

I Recover A Black Box

The Black Box is as important to an airplane as its wings.

In fact, the Black Box is the most sought after piece of equipment during accident investigations by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) as well as OUCH! (Occupant Universal Covenant House!).

Many wonder what information the Black Box holds.

Others ponder why an airplane can’t be built as safe as a Black Box since it always survives a crash!

That being said, imagine my shock when I discovered a Black Box in my very own home.

Black Box Wine
Black Box Wine

Who knew the mystery of this device centered around a Black Box……..of wine!

What the hell?

Can it be the safety of passengers depends on this special vintage?


Let’s see, does a crash on land go better with red…or white wine?

How ’bout a water crash?

It’s no wonder the Black Box is the first thing investigators grab after an accident—they want to see if there is any left!

black box wine

I calmed down after realizing Black Box Wines is an actual wine producer.

I assume they use the Black Box name & packaging because we consumers have such positive feelings on Black Box technology and its importance in aircraft crash investigations.  (Insert tongue in cheek)

And you know,  any wine served from a plastic bladder inside a cardboard box is a robust vino!  (Insert tongue further)

black box flight 2

Actually, a black box flight recorder isn’t even black–its orange!

What gives?

I guess the name “Orange Box” doesn’t have the same dramatic impact of “Black Box.”

But the shape of a black box flight recorder DOES have a familiar shape.

12 of beer

It reminds me of a………..

Yes, a twelve pack of beer!

Are you noticing a common thread here?

Yeah me too.

And I don’t want to think about it.

Think I’ll get my bags and head home.  Thank you for flying My Odd Sock.


One Reply to “I Recover A Black Box”

  1. Ummmm, yeah, disturbing. Thanks for uncovering the truth, Sock! I’ll never fly again!

    p.s. You owe me $2,799 for my plane ticket to Tahiti next month – I’ll send you my address so you can mail a check, pronto.