Letter To America

Letter To America



Dear fellow citizens,



Amidst the news of a prostitution scandal in Cartagena, Columbia involving agents of the Secret Service, let it be known that at no point was U.S. national security threatened, nor the safety of the president compromised.



Secret Service badge

Eleven Secret Service agents were implicated in the scandal.

All those involved were sent home and had their security clearances revoked.

Ten military service members were also involved in the incident.


The Secret Service agents were in Columbia to take advance security measures for President Obama, who was to attend a summit meeting later in the week.


Agents claim they were just doing their job.  They maintained a secure environment by collecting all of the prostitutes & “evil-doer” riff-raff that goes with it into one central location–the Hotel El Caribe.

President Obama could then safely enter Columbia, attend the summit and exit the country unscathed due to the diligence of the Secret Service.


Secret Service agent maintains composure even in hotel room.
Secret Service agent maintains composure even in hotel room.


My Odd Sock has obtained an exclusive photo of an agent involved in the tawdry episode.


The photograph reveals that even during the “encounter”, the agent maintained high levels of dignity for the office–never removing his sunglasses OR his ear piece.





This website has also collected a photo of one of the alleged prostitutes.


One of the Columbian "prostitutes."  (Her identity hidden.)
One of the Columbian "prostitutes." (Her identity hidden.)



Because it is not certain of her participation, My Odd Sock has concealed her identity.






Six Secret Service agents turned in their badge and their gear.
Six Secret Service agents turned in their badge and their gear.




As a result of the ongoing investigation, six members of the Secret Service have been forced to resign.






This is just a minor setback in the forward progress of this great country.

I urge you, stand strong citizens.  The United States will recover and rebound with fortitude of pride and perseverance.

Good day.  And God bless America.


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