Tag: President Obama

Letter To America

Letter To America

    Dear fellow citizens,   Amidst the news of a prostitution scandal in Cartagena, Columbia involving agents of the Secret Service, let it be known that at no point was U.S. national security threatened, nor the safety of the president compromised.     Eleven Secret Service agents were implicated in the scandal. All those …

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You’ve Got Forwarded Mail

You’ve Got Forwarded Mail

  Most email messages aren’t worth the mouse click to send them—OR, the mouse click to delete them. Take for instance the popular “If you believe this message, please forward to everyone you know.”  And if you don’t believe “just delete it and be scorned the rest of your life–you worthless piece of maggot dung.” …

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Oh, You Shouldn’t Have

Oh, You Shouldn’t Have

  Phew!  I’m late with this post of My Odd Sock because of the hoopla! The pomp & circumstance! The festival-like atmosphere surrounding my recent celebration makes Cinco de Mayo seem like a funeral. Why didn’t you tell me this would be so grand? What on Earth am I talking about?  Like you don’t know!  …

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