Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning


My Odd Sock jibberish
My Odd Sock jibberish


Time to do some spring cleaning around the My Odd Sock corporate office.

Time to clean out some random thoughts, ideas & observations.

Put on your rubber gloves because this could get messy!




Master of My Domain

I was informed by an international domain registry that a Chinese investment firm was interested in conducting business using myoddsock.cn as their home on the web.

Seriously?  Would you invest ANYTHING with a company name like that?

Maybe “My Odd Sock” in Chinese means “dignified reputation.” 

Like the old ad slogan…”When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen.”

“When My Odd Sock talks, people turn their heads and cough!”


(Turns out this was a scam to sell another domain address.)



Hit The Road Jack

Old Brawny Guy
Old Brawny Guy


Did you notice Brawny Paper Towels have chosen a new logo/company spokesman?


They ditched the blonde, Pacific Northwest dude with the police-officer moustache…..



New Brawny Guy
New Brawny Guy



…and replaced him with a clean-cut, dark-haired, hunky lumberjack type feller in a red flannel shirt.



That proves it, blondes may have more fun, but brunettes sell more paper product!





 Have you seen the TV commercial for the prescription drug Stelara?


Scenes from Stelara TV commercial
Scenes from Stelara TV commercial

It features a woman who flies home to attend her high school reunion.

There, she is the belle of the ball!

During the taking of the class-picture, she stands next to a guy and exchanges smiles with him.


The final shot is of her, with a devilish grin, leaving the shindig arm-in-arm with the guy from the picture!

Good thing she is living up to her high school reputation…voted “Most Likely To Get Lucky!”

Stelara is a medication of a skin condition, but from the content of the ad, I thought it was for an STD!



Well, that does it for the spring cleaning.  My notebook is now all neat & tidy!

If you would like to do some straightening of your clutter–go ahead and leave a comment.  Otherwise, we’ll see you next time on My Odd Sock!  (But be sure to take your shoes off–I just did the floors!)







4 Replies to “Spring Cleaning”

  1. Your posts crack me up. I hadn’t noticed the change in the Brawny guy — same as Aunt Jemima, Betty Crocker, Mr. Peanut, Morton Salt Girl, and so many other ad characters. Very funny!

    Thanks for explaining the ad for Stelara — my thoughts echoed yours! I still have to think twice about some ads — Cialis with the bathtubs?? Fancy Feast with the engagement? I often remember the ads, but not the product!


  2. Speaking of commercials…….have you noticed there are 3 different spokeswomen for the TV ads for the drug Pristiq? One black women, a white red head, and a white brunette. Does that mean that blonds DO have more fun, and never get depressed? :o)

  3. Margaret,

    Good eye! I’ll have to watch the Prestiq commercials closely.

    Either that or maybe we should get a hobby!

  4. Mr. Sock,

    Let me know if every time you see a Pristiq commercial, the actress changes. It’s the one where she is winding up a doll.