Tag: Walgreen’s

Bladder Blather

Bladder Blather

  With multiple sclerosis, problems with pee-pee and poo-poo are quite common.  Namely when an MSer has to go–we HAVE TO GO.  Get out of our way ‘cuz it’s game time! I’m undoing my pants way before I cross the bathroom threshold.  Even then it can be a close call. Nighttime is the worst. I’ll …

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The Not Too Late For Father’s Day Gift Guide

The Not Too Late For Father’s Day Gift Guide

Father’s Day is here.  Time to honor Dad for all the things on the To-Do list that he never did. My Odd Sock has scoured sinks and literally hundreds, no nearly ten, of the finest newspaper circulars to find this motley collection of gifts for dear old Dad on his special day. Before you shower …

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Side Effects May Include

Side Effects May Include

    Soo many drugs.  Soo many possible side effects. One has to laugh when watching any one of the prescription drug commercials on TV.  It consists of twenty seconds of info about the drug…followed by forty seconds of the most gruesome side effects you’ll ever hear!  (Is this a drug commercial or an experiment …

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My Odd Sock MS Picture Quiz

My Odd Sock MS Picture Quiz

  Smile! Welcome to the My Odd Sock  MS Picture Quiz!   Below you will find ten pictures following by several statements. Which statement best describes the picture?         Number 1:    This picture is….    A)  Location of padding in a football uniform.    B)  Diagram of rap star Eminem’s newest tattoo. …

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