Tag: TLC

Gross Me Out

Gross Me Out

*Reader Warning* The following silly, stupid text includes random topics that gross me out.  Please use discretion while stomaching your way through this post.  My sincere apologies to those who feel uneasy.   Everyone has specific things they find upsetting. Sights, sounds, tastes, ect. Some people cringe at paper cuts.  Others, at the thought of …

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Stop Me Before I Watch Again

Stop Me Before I Watch Again

  There were the textbook signals.   Loss of muscle control.  Erratic thought pattern.  Slurred speech. Stroke? I wondered to myself. Thankfully no. It was the realization I had just wasted several hours of precious life watching tv’s TLC.       Yes, TLC, The Learning Channel. The circus side-show act that went from only …

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Brain Drain #21

Brain Drain #21

“Brain Drain” is a chance to pull the plug on my cerebellum and empty all the dishwater that has collected and become stagnant over time It’s been a long while since the last “Brain Drain,” so let’s get to it….. Striving for Excellence In today’s world, good isn’t good enough.  You must be perfect. And …

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Side Effects May Include

Side Effects May Include

    Soo many drugs.  Soo many possible side effects. One has to laugh when watching any one of the prescription drug commercials on TV.  It consists of twenty seconds of info about the drug…followed by forty seconds of the most gruesome side effects you’ll ever hear!  (Is this a drug commercial or an experiment …

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My Partner & I

My Partner & I

    My partner & I?  We couldn’t be more opposite. Ying & Yang.  Felix & Oscar.  Barrack & Boehner.     Me?  I like to be active.  Always on the go. Always doing something.  I get fidgety sitting around for a long time.         My partner?  Very low key.  Likes to …

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A Nielsen Family

A Nielsen Family

      There comes a time in life when you have power. When your decisions influence a nation. When late-night snack runs mean MORE than just adding to your waistline.         It happened to me just a few weeks ago as I became…..a member of the Nielsen family!     Yes, …

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